Sentences with phrase «nasty messages»

Mmachi Dimoriaku, a senior at DreamYard Preparatory School in the Bronx, remembers the time her Facebook account was used by a student to send nasty messages to another girl.
Ocol also said he has been receiving nasty messages from other union members and filed a complaint.
You won't be penalised in any way for flagging a user, and if all online daters respond to receiving nasty messages by alerting site security, the troublesome people can be dealt with and banned.
Manchester, England (CNN)- Shanna Bukhari gets some pretty nasty messages through Facebook, she says.
Ever since I put it up, I get a few nasty messages every week from people who think I am a lying heretic leading poor lost souls to the pit of hell through false teaching and heretical ideas.
We've all seen these nasty messages.
I know this is a Whole30 post so don't get mad at me and send me nasty messages.
When they asked me if I supported their misguided position I said no and left a nasty message.
And that kind of negative tactic means you need to galvanise your core vote, which means banging on about immigration: the nastiest message on the nastiest subject for the nastiest month of the campaign.
«I can't turn on my TV for any show without all the commercial time being filled with these nasty messages,» a visiting friend from swing - state Ohio complained last week.
I got some nasty messages then a message telling me my profile was deleted.
I then got a nasty message from the mod there saying «my kind» isn't welcome there.
Looking for those hungry pigs And various fetuses Cum, Send me a nasty message and let's go from there...?????
At the heart of the film is one hell of a nasty message about class differences, one that makes Cheap Thrills feel like a modern - day update of the»70s exploitation films not afraid to put politics front and centre.
Oh, I had the classic spiteful author who got upset when I gave her work a negative review, so she sent me a nasty message on Facebook, then started leaving negative reviews on my work whenever she could.
I have my comments set to «must be approved» since I have had some nasty messages left on a few of them and do not want them showing up until I have approved them.Thanks for taking the time to leave this again!
There's a nasty messaging bug running rampant on 2016 Google Pixel devices, and it may have something to do with Android 8.0 Oreo.
Bullying can also be more indirect, for example, deliberately leaving someone out of games, spreading rumours about them, or sending them nasty messages.
For every one or two nasty messages, I'm sent 100 really positive ones.
Just this morning I get the town pissed off about my signs and leaving a nasty message like I am some type of hardnosed criminal.
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