Sentences with phrase «nation of laws»

Despite the perverse tendency of the competitive job market in law teaching to create a whole nation of law faculty who mimic their mentors at the elite schools, there has also been a recent increase in differentiation and specialization among law schools, as they are forced to pay more attention to local employment markets.
Since this is a secular nation of laws, not religion, Roe may not be perfect, but it is consistent with our fundamental principles despite the sincere assertions of our fellow citizens.
«Let's face it: The reason why so many people come to America is because we are a nation of laws, and Texas is doing its part to keep it that way,» Abbott said in the Associated Press.
When Ted wanted legalization and Marco wanted citizenship as part of a comprehensive plan, he said they were both wrong, and they were both being absurd, and they all have to go or we don't have a nation of laws.
They finally realized that we live in a nation of laws based on the Consti.tution and that a majority of people were beginning to appreciate that fact.
We're a nation of laws that protect people from (for example) pedophile Christian priests and Christian terrorists who blow up abortion clinics.
This is a nation of laws, not religion.
On one thing, at least, we ought no longer to speculate: that a nation of law must have a nation of persons who enforce the law.
There is, doubtless, a large dose of self - righteous speculation about our strengths and virtues as a nation of laws and not of persons.
However, we are a nation of laws and we must govern our decisions by the rule of law and not by our own emotions.»
We are a nation of laws, laws that are already set, and can not be changed to suit a situation or the current popular opinion.
As attorney general I would do everything I could do to ensure that everybody plays by the same set of rules; that we return to the idea of being that nation of laws, not a nation of men and women.
Gibson called the immigration system «broken,» and said «we are at once a nation of laws and immigrants.»
«America is a nation of laws, and those laws provide rights that must be respected and followed regardless of political ideology.»
Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner tweeted that the DACA repeal has disregarded American's tradition as «a nation of laws and a nation of compassion.»
So clearly, some laws are meant to be laws and therefore, as a nation of laws, they must be followed while other laws are apparently more like technicalities or optional guidelines.
America, it has been said, is a nation of laws, not of men.
This is about whether we are a nation of laws and whether, in the name of our fear of terrorists, we will abandon the principles of government that have made our country great and strong for more than two centuries.
A nation of laws expresses its values through its statutes and court decisions, and the country appears to be on its way toward another reset of the power balance between the sexes.
It's a free country, as the saying goes, but we are also a nation of laws.
I am beginning to doubt whether we remain a nation of laws.
But it's clear that this kind of incident can't be tolerated in a nation of laws.
It doesn't hurt to remind ourselves, once again, that we live in a nation of laws.
Who wants a nation of law - abiding citizens?
If we're to remain a nation of laws, these are the battlegrounds.
It's about preserving our status as a nation of laws.
After all, to paraphrase John Adams with 21st Century sensibilities: we are a nation of laws, not of men and women.
Codes and cases are the very operating system of our nation of laws, and this system only works if we can all openly read the primary sources.»
To me, it's a fundamental basic need in a democracy — if we are a nation of laws, people should be able to freely read and access those laws.
We are a nation of laws, yet we do not provide legal support in any comprehensive way for the millions of people who can not afford a lawyer when they really need one — victims of natural disasters, battered women, children fleeing persecution in their home countries, and many others.
The United States of America is a nation of laws.
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