Sentences with phrase «national criteria»

Teacher assessments are made on reading, maths, writing and science using national criteria to judge whether a child is at the expected standard.
Researchers from Michigan State University reported that since people who own dogs take them on walks, sixty percent of them meet national criteria for regular or moderate exercise.
The development of reliable and valid national criterion - referenced assessments (which I believe will be a logical next step) may save many states money that they can then use to target specific instructional needs.
Lake sediment cores document increased chemical pollution of ecosystems during the past several decades traceable to tar sands development [157] and snow and water samples indicate that recent levels of numerous pollutants exceeded local and national criteria for protection of aquatic organisms [158].
It now includes global standards and recommends that the national criteria be based on them.
«The examining physician decided to take a pharyngeal swab, which was tested at the National Influenza Reference Laboratory for Southern Greece, although the patient did not meet the European Union and national criteria for the new influenza A (H1N1) testing,» the team reports.
No wonder LaVona and later Tonya got so pissed off with the national criteria for success.
Lake sediment cores document increased chemical pollution of ecosystems during the past several decades traceable to tar sands development [157] and snow and water samples indicate that recent levels of numerous pollutants exceeded local and national criteria for protection of aquatic organisms [158].
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