Sentences with phrase «national economic interest»

Given this, national economic interest alone is an ethically bankrupt justification for national positions on long - term vision and national emissions reduction targets.
It also calls on the government to provide increased support for communities to report on the status of infrastructure and establish project selection criteria that prioritizes funding requests based on national economic interest, return - on - investment, and job creation.
Although I had difficult exchanges with the home secretary Theresa May and prime minister over immigration controls on non-EU students and skilled workers, almost all Conservative colleagues and ministers agreed, at least privately, that their policies were seriously damaging to business, universities and the wider national economic interest.
Ethics: Crucial Missing Element in Negotiations: Duties and Responsibilities, Not Just Narrow National Economic Interest
When national economic interests collide with international agreements, there will be a temptation to shirk, dissemble, and withdraw.
In determining whether an interference with such rights is justified, the Convention asks whether the interference pursues a legitimate aim, such as national economic interests, and is «necessary in a democratic society».
And without any doubt, national ghg emissions targets based upon national economic interest alone flunks any ethical analysis because climate change requires nations to take into account how their ghg emissions are gravely harming the hundreds of millions of people around the world who are vulnerable to climate change in setting national climate change policies.
They use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada's national economic interest
If David Cameron and George Osborne fail to do so and put political pride above the national economic interest we face more long - term damage and pain for businesses and families.»
«I am unable to watch passively whilst certain policies are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Not an arbitrary timetable for a referendum, which puts Tory party politics before the national economic interest, and is creating huge uncertainty for business.
Ed Balls said David Cameron must put the national economic interest above his and George Osborne's «political pride» and step in to change the course of the UK's economic policy.
The problem is that each government, both Labour and Conservative, puts the interests of international capital ahead of the national economic interest.
It is a game being played by pro-EU campaigners who are damaging national confidence and our national economic interest.
On Tuesday night, Labour leader Ed Miliband said Cameron's speech would «define him as a weak prime minister, being driven by his party, not by the national economic interest».
You have the ear of students and families across our country, and we need you to make clear: • Why it can be in a young person's best interest to spend time beyond our borders; and • Why it is in our national economic interest to be fully engaged and knowledgeable about cultures and people across the globe.
Oliver's letter continues its attack, claiming these «radical» groups ``... use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada's national economic interest».
Nor do we believe that an ever - growing web of government regulation or a proliferating program of subsidies is in our national economic interest.
Co-benefits were discussed presumably to convince nations that it was in their national economic interest to adopt climate policies, a tactic which may implicitly confirm the notion that national economic interest rather than national obligations should be the basis for climate change policy.
They use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada's national economic interest.
They use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada's national economic interest....
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