Sentences with phrase «national motto»

What does it have to do with U.S. national motto of «IN GOD WE TRUST»?
A dozen activists from the Greenpeace advocacy group were arrested on Friday after climbing the north face of the vast metal - latticed Eiffel Tower, one of the world's most visited sites, to hang a banner carrying the French national motto, «Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite» (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity).
I believe that if we lived more by the original national motto of «E Pluribus Unum» that we would be a much better country.
a christian and followers banded together to change the national motto as well as forcing our children to pledge not just to our country but to your «god» (so much for the first amendment).
«In god we trust» was legislated as the national motto in 1956 (just a few years after the founding).
I think it was hostile for the christians to hijack the Pledge of allegience, to take over the national motto with a lie, making MY country less than it was.
Kruse explains how many things Americans take for granted came to be: the presence of «under God» in the Pledge of Allegiance, the adoption of «In God We Trust» as a national motto, the annual «presidential» prayer breakfast, and the presidential practice of ending speeches with «may God bless America.»
The Rev. Steven Andrew, author of «Making a Strong Nation,» says Obama is trying to change the national motto from «In God we Trust» to «Out of Many, One,» and he's ordered the Pentagon to remove biblical verses from its daily report.
No other power could so effectively have dispelled the austere, hollow - cheeked stoicism, the tolerance of bad food in inadequate amounts, the thin sour beer, watered to help the war effort, the national motto of «mustn't grumble.»
The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote Thursday on a measure to reaffirm «In God We Trust» as the national motto and to encourage its display on public buildings, including schools.
November 2010 — Obama misquotes the National Motto, saying it is «E pluribus unum» rather than «In God We Trust», as established by federal law.
Hijacked in the 50's by christians, they changed the national motto to a lie, and that lie is now on OUR money.
the Hijacking of the national motto.
«Driven to Serve» is the national motto of this partner, Towne Park, to the Hilton Downtown Lexington Hotel.
«Every school and public building in the country will be emblazoned with a new «national motto» under Gordon Brown's drive to encourage patriotism and Britishness... Members of the public will be asked to come up with five or six - word slogans, perhaps based around ideas of fair play or national pride.»
For American and other non-Spanish scholars who desire to move to the land of «Further Beyond» (the national motto), Malhotra unsurprisingly offers the following advice: look for an institute that is well funded.
In Alcorn County, Mississippi, the principal of an elementary school distributed to every student in her school a button displaying the national motto, «In God We Trust.»
That form of togetherness and the meaning of «Unity in Diversity» as our national motto.
Permits the display of the national motto, «In God We Trust,» in and on public buildings and public vehicles; includes public school classrooms.
It's clear this one is a winner, and reader Darra W. tells us why If you've ever wondered about the 21st - century relevance of our national motto - Out of Many, One - wonder no more.
The deeper meaning: Belize's national motto is «Under the Shade I flourish.»
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