Sentences with phrase «national political leaders»

While the massive rally has prompted New York City elected officials to be more responsive to the need to take action on climate change, it has had little impact on state and national political leaders who used their partisan gridlock to avoid needed action on this and many other critical issues while promoting increased wealth and tax giveaways for the 1 %.
Critics say The Mayor can not be taken seriously by national political leaders when he can't even navigate his own state to get things done.
And it would help do both by giving state policymakers more ownership of (and therefore more pride in) the mundane work of everyday governance, even as it redirected the attention and the self - regard of national political leaders toward national questions.
National political leaders who can never admit they're wrong are disgraced in the public eye.
It is not only EU institutions but non-EU agents, including national political leaders, that are taking decisions with far - reaching consequences for Europe.
New York, NY (October 7)-- National political leader and former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani today announced his endorsement of Matt Doheny of Watertown in the race to represent New York State's 23rd Congressional District.
The national political leaders included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette, Sr., and Charles Evans Hughes on the Republican side, and William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson and Al Smith on the Democratic side.
There are risks here, especially in an international system that lacks a coordinating legislative and judicial competence, but this is an approach that will appeal to national political leaders and can not be lightly dismissed.
Carrigan comes to the position with extensive political experience, having served as deputy chief of staff and director of operations for a national political leader, and worked with political communications, public policy research and analysis and political operations.
That's the message NAR and its partners in a coalition representing more than 1 million real estate brokerages, builders, and lenders have delivered to national political leaders.
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