Sentences with phrase «nations reach consensus»

As more nations reach consensus on what skills are essential for success in the 21st century, we can expect yet another chapter to unfold in the extended discussion about good assessment.

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Separately, the Hill adds that the GOP now says the bill will be released on Thursday as lawmakers scramble to reach a consensus on how to restructure the nation's tax laws.
Like the G8, we hope to join with other leading open data «nations» and reach a consensus on a data «charter» we can send to the state.
Although reaching scientific consensus needs to be encouraged, the interpretation of scientific data among nations might be difficult.
Researchers and policymakers may be continuing to debate solutions to the nation's reading woes, but many struggling schools appear to have reached a consensus on the subject, even if not by choice.
The declaration calls on the United Nations to discontinue work on a new treaty until a genuine «scientific consensus is reached on the phenomenon of so - called global warming,» including both its natural and human causes.
Rather than imposing sound scientific principles on IPCC, United Nations allowed IPCC to be governed by: — the unscientific principle to: «concentrate its activities on the tasks allotted to it by the relevant WMO Executive Council and UNEP Governing Council resolutions and decisions as well as on actions in support of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process» (§ 1)-- the unscientific principle to: «In taking decisions, and approving, adopting and accepting reports, the Panel, its Working Groups and any Task Forces shall use all best endeavours to reach consensus
In light of the fact that any attempt to reach consensus on the operationalization of equity will run into conflicts with national interest, the paper recommends a completely new approach that would fund a new carbon revolution while abandoning the current approach in which nations make individual emissions reductions commitments consistent with what equity requires of them.
The rise in high court cases also has been fueled by differences between rulings by the justices and the findings of a specialized Washington - based appeals court, which handles the nation's patent cases and has failed to reach consensus on some key issues.
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