Sentences with phrase «native gut bacteria»

It's important for our dogs to have plenty of native gut bacteria and it's best to start that process in puppyhood.
Using a mouse model, researchers from North Carolina State University have found that antibiotic use creates a «banquet» for Clostridium difficile (C. diff), by altering the native gut bacteria that would normally compete with C. diff for nutrients.
March 29, 2018 - North Carolina State University scientists using a mouse model found that antibiotic use creates a veritable «banquet» for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) by altering the native gut bacteria that would normally compete with C. diff for nutrients.
«It has long been proposed that native gut bacteria are an important component of host defense, but until now, the responsible species and molecular mechanism have not been clearly demonstrated,» says first author Yongqi Shao of Zhejiang University.
They used a high dose of antibiotic to kill the native gut bacteria and then fed those mice fecal material from a protected strain.
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