Sentences with phrase «native traditions»

Chicago also has a long native tradition of formal abstraction that, like Imagism, finds inspiration in the turn of a sharp eye toward overlooked corners of everyday life.
NATIVE FASHION NOW This is the first large - scale exhibition devoted to contemporary Native American design from the last 60 years in Canada and the United States, as well as garments inspired by Native traditions.
Balmer clearly sympathized with this concern, although he included testimony from other evangelicals among the Native Americans who feared the resurgence of certain Native traditions as a threat to true Christianity and therefore saw Good House's project as dangerous, if not illegitimate.
Another interesting destination you can visit is Oaxaca, a cosmopolitan city with strong native traditions which are reflected in the customs, crafts and contemporary art.
Ron Lujan, another Native American surgeon, showed her ways to do her job while honoring native traditions — a practice that put her and her patients at ease: touching patients respectfully and only when she had to, not rushing her patients for answers, treating them like family, and generally working to gain their trust.
I have followed native traditions for 20 + years.The red road has been my path.I am involved in salmon runs and smoked salmon.So how bad is this description.I guess you are going to have meet me to see if we are good for each orther or not.I work on the...
As such, it is a fertile arena for examining artistic florescence along geographic and cultural borders, in which foreign and native traditions mingle, fuse, and transcend their origins as they coalesce into a new hybrid visual culture.
Then, «experimentation, emulation of Western styles and rejection of many native traditions characterized the»80s.
Roberta Smith of The Times, who often singles out new work touched by native traditions, has called for fully integrating folk art and Americana into museum displays of past decades, much as another show has claimed outsider art in Switzerland as an inspiration for Abstract Expressionism.
The Native Traditions we've lived by, since the BEGINING, provided us to help your peoples when they came here in spite of knowing you were worthless human beings shipped here from the dungeons and collected from the fields, look at history and tell me different, Religious zealots were included on the boats too, back in 1492.
An oasis of wellbeing, the resort's Leading Spa of the World offers 20 treatment suites, more than 30 spa treatments, many inspired by the native traditions of Mexico and a signature water journey.
This understanding also reinforced those arguments about the significance of native traditions, the superiority of English liberties and the unique heritage that British socialists were attempting to appeal to and become a part of.
Making it through training meant going against some native traditions and adapting to some non-native ways.
Calling it a «fascinatingly layered study in dueling tribal codes,» the L.A. Times» Justin Chang writes, «In favoring an indigenous perspective, grounding its crime - thriller tropes in the rich soil of native tradition, the movie achieves a lyrical power and moral clarity all its own.»
Spanish conquistadors began to inhabit the area in the 16th century and a mix of European and native traditions are still prevalent.
A short drive will bring you to the small seaside town of Candidasa (5 km), and the 700 - year - old walled village of Tenganan (7 km)-- a stronghold of native traditions.
To fill your day, make a time to see regular art performances, native tradition and genuine hospitality as a part of daily life.
One of Bali's original pre-Hindu settlements and a stronghold of native traditions, the residents practise a time - honoured lifestyle based around ritual and ceremony.
One could use all these notions of the insider to define outsider art — from spiritualism and native tradition to criminality and madness.
Your artist statement on your website says, «My life and art are modes of intentional living borrowing from native traditions and contemporary subcultures.»
At the opposite end of the artistic spectrum from Riley and the Martins is the lushly sensuous painting of Howard Hodgkin (b. 1932), who has sustained the native tradition of abstraction founded on representation: the nudes and still lifes of Sir Matthew Smith (1879 - 1959) and the watery landscapes of Ivon Hitchens (1893 - 1979) all seem to have influenced him.
English art was dominated by imported artists throughout much of the Renaissance, but in the 18th century a native tradition became much admired.
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