Sentences with phrase «natural antidepressant»

A "natural antidepressant" refers to something that can help improve a person's mood or fight against depression, without the use of prescription medication or chemicals. It could be a specific food, activity, or treatment that has positive effects on a person's mental health. Full definition
Not only that, but green tea detoxifies the body, facilitates digestion, lowers cholesterol, and acts as natural antidepressant.
There's an incredible amount of science to prove that breaking a sweat is a totally effective natural antidepressant.
Curcumin, a staple in Indian curries and the pigment responsible for the bright yellow color of the spice turmeric, has natural antidepressant qualities and has been shown in animal studies to protect neurons from the damaging effects of chronic stress.
In certain circumstances, the herb is a powerful natural antidepressant.
A great mood booster and natural antidepressant because it increases tryptophan which builds our mood regulating neurotransmitter serotonin.
Elisha is the author of a new book titled, Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self Compassion, where he chunks it all down to seven simple steps that you can use to Uncover Happiness in your life using cutting - edge mindfulness and self - compassion techniques, along with innovations in neuroscience to release natural antidepressants in the brain, and take back control of your mind, your mood, and your life.
Exercise is the best and natural antidepressant available on the market!
For example, the sheer physical act of smiling releases chemicals called endorphins that act as natural antidepressants... even if you're purposely faking it.
St. John's wort is a highly effective natural antidepressant.
So comedy is a natural antidepressant!
Beets are also packed with betaine, which our brain uses to form SAM - e, a natural antidepressant.
Cocoa contains phenethylamine, a substance that acts as a natural antidepressant.
Considered as a natural antidepressant, music can give you the euphoric high that antidepressant medications can bring.
Past research has attributed at least part of the «love effect» of Ecstasy to an increase in brain levels of the natural antidepressant serotonin.
«Researchers can now contrast these natural antidepressants against the cadre of prescription treatments to gain new insight» into the molecular workings of depression.
Exercise and nutrition are important to me because they're natural antidepressants.
As days grow shorter and colder, sunlight and balmy weather (the natural antidepressants at least partially responsible for our carefree attitudes in summer) are in increasingly short supply.
The first new antioxidant found in food is Chicoric acid: A natural stress buster & natural antidepressant.
They contain betaine, a natural antidepressant... Romans used beets as an aphrodisiac.
It's a natural antidepressant.
Schisandra Is a Natural Antidepressant Researchers found that schisandra acts as a natural antidepressant.
Rich in raspberry ketones (for weight and metabolism support), saffron (a natural antidepressant aiding in emotional and energetic balance), greens and algae (for mineralization, alkalinity, and cellular detoxification), and digestion - and mood - supporting enzymes, this particular combination is unlike any I have ever found before.
Nested Naturals Mood Lift is a gentle, natural antidepressant that works to help calm stressed nerves and rebuild positive energy.
Provide and support healthy body functions such as normalizing blood sugar and clotting, maintaining oxygen levels in the cells, acting as a natural antidepressant, protecting against any type of cancer and being a precursor for other hormones.
Turmeric, on the other hand, is considered to be a natural antidepressant, so it can help you through those winter blues.
I know a lot of shopaholics feel like shopping is a natural antidepressant.
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