Sentences with phrase «natural as epidural»

Water birth is about as natural as epidural for pain relief except there's ample data supporting the safety of the epidural.

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To take a natural birth option off the table seems as crazy to me as taking away a woman's choice for an epidural.
I now recommend the book, «Natural Birth the Bradley Way» to all my pregnant friends, even those planning on an epidural, because it has by far the best descriptions of what to expect from labor that I found (had not come across Birthing from Within), as well as offering techniques for managing early labor which are helpful all the way through, or pre-epi if that's the option someone has chosen.
When my plans of natural childbirth didn't go as planned, Christi was continuously supportive and helped me feel good about my decision for an epidural.
It was created to help guide your thinking as you assemble your birth team, whether you prefer a natural, non-medicated birth or a medically assisted (epidural) delivery.
@ Dr Sarah J. Buckley 2005 Previously published in Mothering No. 133, Nov - Dec 2005, as «The Hidden Risks of Epidurals» and updated in Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices (Sarah J Buckley, Celestial Arts, 2009).
thabks to them I managed to have a natural birth no epidural, just as i had imagined it.
But with the help of birthing classes, you can learn about natural methods for pain relief, such as breathing techniques, massage and acupuncture — and get a more informed idea as to whether an epidural is your first choice, last resort or something in between.
While some women prefer natural childbirth, others opt for pain management techniques, such as an epidural or medications taken.
So keep reading to learn about epidural pros and cons, as well as the lowdown on natural childbirth.
As one woman wrote in response to an Austin Moms Blog post on natural childbirth: «I had my first baby with epidural, and the second was a natural birth.
Because I idealized the perfect birth as «natural,» meaning without pain meds, I felt like I was weak when I begged for an epidural, like I had failed to do the right thing.
Over the course of this online childbirth class, we will discuss: Anatomy and physiology, Stages of Labor, pain management options including: natural childbirth techniques and medicated options such as epidurals.
If I had a hospital birth, I would find one that had CNMs on call and chose natural birth over epidural as standard.
Robin Kaplan: Unless a mother is in the natural birth community, or birthing with a midwife, it is very common that she will hear that birth interventions, such as epidurals and inductions, will not have a negative effect on her labor, her baby, or her baby's ability to breastfeed.
I had gas and air as well as dimorphene with my first, my second was so fast I had no pain relief and this time I'm hoping to have another natural birth at home with a birthing pool all women are different and make their own choices with my first I begged for an epidural and my mum said no and in all honesty I'm glad I didn't have it
No epidural, as I have never had that before and I am even considering going all - natural.
My delivery did not go at all as planned (wanted natural but was pressured into getting an epidural, which failed, they gavebme a 2nd one before checking to see he was crowning!
The problem is many doctors see vaginal birth as «natural» even if forceps or vacuums are used, an epidural and pitocin are administered, episiotomies are cut, Moms are urged to stay in the supine position their entire labor, they are hooked up to a monitor, IV, and catheterized.
But, Perineal massage can help, as can opting for a natural childbirth (Pitocin and epidurals are both associated with a higher risk of tears).
While your hospital birth class may have been pleasant, mine was exactly as Mama Natural described in this post — they even brought out an epidural needle for us to pass around so we'd know what would «most likely» be used on us.
My large, almost 7 - month belly is a great conversation starter, but as we talk further, people are inevitably shocked to learn about my birth plan — that I hope to have a natural delivery at home, assisted by midwives, with no epidural.
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