Sentences with phrase «natural climatic variability»

Some scientists believe that the warming is part of natural climatic variability.
The bottom line is that, despite short - term natural climatic variability, there is a fairly straightforward relationship between average global temperatures and the concentration in the atmosphere of the critical greenhouse gases — primarily carbon dioxide.
However, these authors did not take natural climatic variability into account and a TSI series derived by such methods could not be used as an independent measure of radiative forcing of climate.»
Finally, natural climatic variability is just random noise compared to the loud - and - clear signal of the upward trend in the curve of global temperature, which now seems to have an accelerating characteristic.
The ISPM overview states: «Natural climatic variability is now believed to be substantially larger than previously estimated, as is the uncertainty associated with historical temperature reconstructions.»
We investigate the relative contributions of anthropogenic climate change and natural climatic variability to the likelihood of heavy Australian rainfall using three distinct model datasets.
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