Sentences with phrase «natural dynamics»

They were able to save the victim without sinking because the planks were broad enough to overcome the physical properties and natural dynamics of the quicksand.
When we got them both together, it was the AMG's more natural dynamics that helped it come out on top.
«We allowed the natural dynamics to emerge,» Minty says.
We have ideas about the natural dynamics caused by landslides and the succession that follows their aftermath.
However, it may not always be obvious whether human activity or a forest's natural dynamics are at play in, for example, the dieback of a stand or the outbreak of an insect herbivore.
A Yale - led research team has adapted traditional asset valuation approaches to measure the value of such natural capital assets, linking economic measurements of ecosystem services with models of natural dynamics and human behavior.
We quantify the changing value of natural stocks by linking economic measurements of ecosystem services — the income to society depending on nature — with models of natural dynamics and human behavior.
We could change our current course and try to work carefully with the natural dynamics of the planet and the uncertainties of the environment, especially when it comes to our own inadvertent effects.
AP: Well, the natural dynamics of a business portfolio at a company like Gap is you have your bigger, more mature businesses that are obviously significantly driving the financial fortunes of the company, and then small brands that are the seeds you plant for the future.
Given the byzantine complexity of state teacher - licensing laws, the natural dynamics of the teacher labor market, and bureaucratic delay in granting and transferring credentials, full compliance is nearly impossible.
And best of all, as a space traditionally and naturally designed to facilitate people working together, a school's library provides the natural dynamics for developing a Learning Commons.
And the indications he cites of slowing growth in the UK (like ebooks, not business but growth - of - activity, mind you) are not surprising to those who understand that adoption curves and commercial insurgencies have natural dynamics and predictable changes in pace.
No magic or «robots» here, just simple common - sense trading using the natural dynamics and levels in the market:
-- is borderline insane: the painting has the understanding of pictorial space, and grasp of the natural dynamics of a large assembly of people, of a stiff Jacobean group portrait.
«Disturbances such as windthrow and forest fires are part of the natural dynamics of forest ecosystems, and are not a catastrophe for the ecosystem,», says the study's principal researcher, Rupert Seidl, senior scientist at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
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