Sentences with phrase «natural fluxes»

The phrase "natural fluxes" refers to the regular and continuous changes that occur in nature. It basically means the natural flow or movement of things, such as the cycling of water, energy, or nutrients in ecosystems. Full definition
And we are currently exceeding the natural flux of entry of new carbon by about a factor of 20, because you can't say that nature is not putting carbon up into the circulation and that we are doing it [all].
According to the IPCC reports, the carbon cycle has actually intensified, with the natural fluxes both into the atmosphere and out of it increasing.
Some will argue that coral conditions are in a natural flux, or that reefs will have time to adapt to our changing oceans.
Although the natural fluxes of carbon dioxide into and out of the atmosphere are still more than ten times larger than the amount that humans put in every year by burning fossil fuels, the human addition matters disproportionately because it unbalances those natural flows.
The variation of this data will most likely lower to natural fluxes, but recent research points out that, under the current warming conditions, our planet will not be as able to absorb the extra emissions caused by human activity.
They have been partly compensated by a natural flux (sink) into oceans and vegetation.
The basic answer is, natural fluxes are in balance and human emissions disturb that balance.
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