Sentences with phrase «natural health world»

When I had just begun my journey in the natural health world I had my first «I just can't» moment when urine therapy hit the scene.
You may have heard about essential oils as they continue to gain popularity in the natural health world, but what are essential oils exactly and what can they do for you?
The connection between healthy gut flora and good health has gotten a lot of press in the natural health world in recent years.
I mean, keep the info coming, but I'd like some advice as to how to navigate the natural health world in a rural setting with very little money.
I'm sharing the mic today with one of the leading experts on fertility in the natural health world, Dr. Marc Sklar.
With a name that sounds like the next big name in luxury fashion, berberine has really made a name for itself in the natural health world.
I've wanted a Berkey for a long time after hearing raves about it in the natural health world.
In that search you may have come to the misunderstanding that's floating around the natural health world, so I want to set the record straight: essential oils do not treat or cure disease.
They apply to someone new to the natural health world, an experienced guru any anyone in between.
In fact, the results of research on its wellness benefits in recent years are so amazing that the spice has skyrocketed to superstar status in the natural health world.
Her unique professional background has made her a trusted source of credible information in the natural health world.
The efficacy and necessity of these drugs has long been debated in the natural health world — mainly questioning whether the absolute benefit of the drug justifies the lifetime prescription or whether the approach of «blocking» cholesterol makes sense given that cholesterol is vital for so many other areas of human health — but for those that do decide to take Lipitor, Crestor or other statins, it's important to consider the drug's other effects on the body.
These are pretty grim numbers for a diet that has taken the natural health world by storm.
In addition to researching health and nutrition, writing about the latest happenings in the natural health world and practicing yoga, she enjoys spending time in nature, meditating and making superfood smoothies.
And this, sadly, seems to come as no surprise to anyone within the natural health world.
Some people in the natural health world will tell you that this is just part of the process.
In the natural health world, we often hear claims like homeopathy can help men with intimacy; or homeopathic remedies can be used to kill cancer cells and infections — but, is there any research to backup these claims?
If you've ever eaten chicken curry or cooked with curry powder, you've likely tasted ground turmeric root or rhizome, a slightly bitter and nutritious spice that doubles as a free radical scavenging herb with active compounds and antioxidant properties that have long been praised in the natural health world.
Manuka honey health benefits have been touted in the natural health world for a long time and even more in recent years because a growing body of research is starting to support thousands of years of folk medicine use.
They apply to someone new to the natural health world, an experienced guru any anyone... Listen Now»
Thankfully, we see a major shift happening — within the natural health world — toward the focus on quality (clean) food.
In the natural health world, however, that is just code for covering up that there is a significant amount of high fructose corn syrup and / or sugar in that box.
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