Sentences with phrase «natural resource issues»

Before the Northern Gateway review panel even commenced formal hearings in January 2012, the federal Minister of Natural Resources issued an open declaration that Canada needs more access to Asia - Pacific markets for resource exports.
Local community organizations have been active and visible in the consideration of environmental and natural resources issues in the Valley.
Still, the Park Service has a history of shaping public knowledge and behavior on natural resource issues.
It wasn't a total retreat for global players, though, as Canadian Natural Resources issued Shell almost 98 million shares, or 9 % of the company, as part of its deal.
Thus, although my view would tend to oppose allowing this case to distort natural resource issues that were not within the contemplation of the Court, there is ongoing room to think about whether Consolidated Fastfrate requires a narrower reading of the scope of section 92 (10) in future pipelines cases.
Nonetheless, the Department of Natural Resources issued a temporary shutdown order for the plant in December, prompting Appel and his colleagues to install more ozone scrubbers.
Scientific research and monitoring projects are conducted at the CDRS in conjunction and cooperation with its chief partner, the Galapagos National Park Service (GNPS), which functions as the principal government authority in charge of conservation and natural resource issues in the Galapagos.
In various areas of natural resource jurisdiction, a problem that can exist is that case law developed in very different contexts — without any contemplation of the effects on natural resource issues — will nonetheless become binding case law on general division of powers matters and thus affect natural resource jurisdiction.
«My fellowship experience made me better at connecting with people; working with complex systems; synthesizing details, data and diverse views; refining analytical structures; and thinking strategically and creatively about forces and interactions in related to natural resource issues,» he said.
In a Facebook post Monday, David Allen, president of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, said he liked the idea of Zinke in the top spot at Interior, «given his understanding of and support for sportsmen, public lands and natural resource issues
Resources for the Future is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research on environmental, energy, and natural resource issues and comprises of programs in nations around the world.
With the help of ADESO and NOVIB, a Dutch NGO, BRI has brought together women, men, elders, youth and nomads to focus on peace, political participation and natural resource issues.
Prior to joining SEI, Georgia researched and taught on climate change and natural resource issues in the Department of Sociology at the University of British Columbia.
Before the Northern Gateway review panel even commenced formal hearings in January 2012, the federal Minister of Natural Resources issued an open declaration that Canada needs more access to Asia - Pacific markets for resource exports.
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