Sentences with phrase «natural resource use»

Across sectors, the government has so far failed to hold corrupt or negligent officials, politicians and companies accountable, thus undermining its own laws governing natural resource use.
This unique home decor brand is known for their dedication to protecting the earth's natural resources using all - natural, recycled materials to make furniture.
Grants are awarded by the Department of Natural Resources using performance - based criteria and objectives.
Traveling widely and working with local authorities, Lendelvo and her colleagues track natural resource use and look for ways to maximize the benefits of those resources for communities.
Rudolf will receive more than $ 900,000 over five years to support his research on discovering new drugs from natural resources using cytochrome P450 enzymes.
Practically, his research directly relates to producers» bottom line, the rural economy, natural resources use efficiency and environmental health.
He began focusing his research on the interactions between wildlife and people in the Indian Himalayas; producing several landmark research papers on the complexities and ecological impacts of human natural resource use and conflicts throughout his career.
For the first time, countries making the decision about which renewal energy technology to use have clear, comparative science - based information about not only their GHG reduction benefits but also about other positive and negative environmental, human health, and natural resource use impacts.
Finally, the basics of environmental science are covered, and through the use of stunning photography and lively animation, students will interact with endangered species, learn about natural resource use, environmental health, pollution, and biodiversity.
We employ practices that manage natural resource use and maximize economic value, all backed by our proprietary LightStay ™ tool.
Bringezu, S., Potočnik, J., Schandl, H., Lu, Y., Ramaswami, A., Swilling, M. and Suh, S., 2016: Multi-Scale Governance of Sustainable Natural Resource Use — Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Institutional Development at the National and Global Level.
Through hands - on experiences, high school students discuss waste management strategies and solutions and learn about the interrelationships of natural resource use, waste generation and disposal.
One might suppose that economists would have a great concern for the natural resources used by industry.
Supply chains, markets and finance are integral components of agricultural management, so their role in supporting (or benefiting from) integrated approaches to natural resource use is critical.
Brazil's rainforests are rich in natural resources used for medicine, rubber, chocolate and its people considered some of the most beautiful in the world.
As society faces more conflict over natural disasters, natural resource use and climate change, scientists increasingly find themselves in the spotlight, forced to communicate findings in ways they haven't in the past.
The report said that food loss and waste cause huge inefficiencies in economic, energy and natural resource use.
The Division conducts research on the longâ $ term impact of human activities on climate and natural resources using a research strategy that starts with measurements and carries that information into models, with a goal of improving the nation's ability to predict climate change.
Because they are so intertwined, there are opportunities to have a beneficial effect on the lands we farm, the natural resources we use to make wine, and the people who are involved at every step.
«In Science, students identified and investigated natural, managed and constructed features of environments and familiar landscapes, identifying the natural resources used in these different places with a particular focus on soil and erosion.
Enzymes have become increasingly important in helping the animal better achieve its natural potential, while getting the most out of the natural resources used in production.
In this studio - based workshop, students examine parchments, reed pens, and the natural resources used to produce medieval books.
In this hands - on workshop, students examine parchments, reed pens, and the natural resources used to create paint and produce medieval books.
She focuses on the ever changing ecology and cartography an encourages a new assessment of natural resource use.
In the production of a product, the natural resources used need to be available from generation to generation; this is what sustainability is all about — making sure future generations will have adequate resources to support them.
We believe in helping our local community reduce its natural resource use and create a more sustainable world.
This analytical report aims to catalyse thinking about the ways in which agriculture — which has a vital role in global food security, development and natural resources use — can and must be fully integrated into national strategies and a consensus - based multilateral framework to address the challenges of climate change.
The global ecological overshoot shown in EF calculations [1] has generated an obvious question for policy - makers, scientists, and the public alike: in which ways can we change our natural resource use and land management in order to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the global overshoot and thereby achieve sustainability?
-- MONITOR USAGE: Be aware of how much energy and natural resources you use on a daily basis to help promote conservation efforts: - Tweet - a-watt wirelessly manages energy usage by automatically updating daily power consumption to a user's Twitter account.
Water and natural resource use is an issue for any city, it's not a distant problem.»
Whereas energy and natural resources used to comprise the majority of transactions, Chinese investment in virtually all non-resources sectors increased last year.
New laws, regulation and policy create certain opportunities yet also bring complexity to dealings and engagement with Indigenous peoples, particularly in relation to land and natural resource use and development.
«With the REALpac Green Office Lease, tenants have an opportunity to both support landlords» energy and resource conservation initiatives and facilitate the social change necessary within their organizations to achieve real reductions in direct and indirect energy consumption and natural resource use,» says REALpac.
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