Sentences with phrase «natural revulsion»

We have a natural revulsion to the idea of checking people's BMI before accepting them into the Church, especially when obesity is not necessarily reflective of gluttony (often, in this country, it is a result of poverty), and when we know from our own experiences or the experiences of those we love that an unhealthy weight can result from a variety of factors — from genetics to psychological components — and when some of our favorite people in the world (or when we ourselves) wrestle with a complicated relationship with food, whether it's through overeating or under - eating.

Not exact matches

The «uncanny valley «phenomenon, coined by famed Japanese robotics pioneer Masahiro Mori, postulates that as facial features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural beings, they cause a response of revulsion among some observers.
When we read about God telling Israel to go slaughter men and women, the natural, right, and godly response is to read such depictions with revulsion, loathing, and disgust.
Our instinctual revulsion towards our waste products is natural, and there's a survival imperitive for its existence, but we should be intelligent and aware enough to realize that our waste is actually needed to be wisely treated, and that is not synonymous with «washed awaw with clean drinking water» or «left to ferment and seep into our water table».
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