Sentences with phrase «natural sodium»

"Natural sodium" refers to sodium that is found in natural sources, like fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Full definition
Those are all tremendous sources of natural sodium found in the sea, as well as all those other trace minerals that we talked about.
All plants contain natural sodium so you may not need to add salt if you eat more plant food.
If my body is craving salt, I look at my intake of chloride - rich foods to make sure I'm getting enough natural sodium in my diet.
SOOTHING FACIAL MASK: Keep your skin soft, smooth and blemish - free with natural sodium bentonite clay which draws abnormal shedding of dead skin cells and excess bacteria as it dries.
Soothing Facial Mask: keep your skin soft, smooth and blemish - free with natural sodium bentonite clay which avoids abnormal shedding of dead skin cells and excess bacteria.
Our classic salt is more nutritious than table salt, because it retains the natural balance and spectrum of essential minerals, supplying the body with over 74 vital trace minerals & elements, including natural sodium chloride, potassium and magnesium.
Our classic salt is more nutritious than table salt, because it retains the natural balance and spectrum of essential minerals, supplying the body with over 74 vital trace minerals & elements, including natural sodium chloride, potassium and magnesium.
Potential challenges can arise when formulating with functional ingredients, certain high - intensity sweeteners or natural sodium reducers.
Red Seaweed (Chondrus Cripsus) Extract - This red seaweed is rich in natural sodium hyaluronate, a powerful ingredient that pulls moisture into the skin to create a plump appearance and a healthy, dewy complexion.
The balance of natural sodium with elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is in sync with the body's own chemistry, eliminating some of the problems sometimes associated with heavy salt intake.
It's also high in water, potassium, and contains natural sodium to balance out electrolytes in the body.
NATURAL SODIUM BENTONITE: Bentonite clay face mask can shrink the size of your pores and help keep your face clean and blemishes at bay.
This relatively high sodium level in frozen peas results from green pea processing methods, not from the natural sodium content of the peas.
• Protein / Soy (Amino Acids) 290 mg • Carbohydrate 100 mg • Natural Sodium 160 mg • Calories 0 For complete info see Nutrition Facts For storage, we recommend keeping product out of direct sunlight, in a relatively cool location.
A novel technique to use the body's natural sodium (salt) content to provide a more detailed picture of tissue health and disease is to be pioneered by MRI experts at The University of Nottingham.
This is what we are flushing from the body, and natural sodium is found abundantly in the plant foods provided during the program.
(No - salt - added veggie broth does have natural sodium from the veggie ingredients it contains but is a much healthier flavoring option than regular stocks and broths that are loaded with added sodium which is not so good for our hearts.)
The balance of natural sodium with elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is in sync with the body's own chemistry, eliminating some of the problems sometimes associated with heavy salt intake.
The reason you're going to add the Himalayan pink salt is because when you have adrenal fatigue, what happens is your body starts excreting a lot of the natural sodium that you need through your urine.
It's also high in water, potassium, and contains natural sodium to balance out electrolytes in the body.
Natural Sodium Bentonite: bentonite clay face mask helps to shrink the size of your pores and can also help tremendously by keeping your face clean and blemishes at bay.
Our bodies may have a natural sodium appetite through which our ideal salt intake is regulated.
Both of these contain natural sodium.
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