Sentences with phrase «nature of life in»

The 33 - year - old organization formed in 1984 with the mission of understanding the origins and nature of life in the universe.
The British artist and filmmaker Mark Leckey has devoted much of his career to examining the nature of life in the age of iPhone cameras, YouTube, Netflix, live - streaming services, and video surveillance.
His work comprises photography, video, performance and sculpture, examining the nature of life in the modern day.
When he was a young man in West Berlin, having crossed over from the East, Georg Baselitz initially painted stunning monumental patchwork portraits of life among the rubble and then, in the «70s, became an international sensation by painting expressionistic figures upside - down, an aesthetic gambit that to many suggested the topsy - turvy nature of life in postwar Germany.
And she naturally grows bored with the placid nature of life in the hidden wilderness of America.
That is, quantum consciousness represents a new perception of the structure of reality where energy is connected to the ontological nature of life in all its manifestations.
Unfortunately, because of the nature of life in schools, it is extremely difficult for teachers to develop this critical reflective attitude.
Dominic Cooke, who directs and who is at the helm of a miniseries of Shakespeare histories, projects the genteel nature of life in a small English town, where Edward may be considered more of a hayseed than is the love of his life despite his scholarly affinity for history.
Moving violation: Jafar Panahi's latest film experiment stays funny and loose while addressing the complicated nature of life in Iran
At first there's almost something shocking about seeing her character, Eilis, behind the counter in an Enniscorthy grocery store, but such is the moribund nature of life in early 1950s Ireland — all boiled potatoes and Arran knitwear — we know she's bound for better things.
Founded in 1984, the SETI Institute is a nonprofit, multi-disciplinary research and education organization whose mission is to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence.
The SETI Institute is a not - for - profit research organization whose mission is to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, and to apply the knowledge gained to inspire and guide present and future generations.
This is not by choice or an option; it is the nature of life in a relational world.
Indeed, this dual character is precisely the nature of life in its basic organic sense as well as in its religious dimension: an appetitive urge toward what might be, and an inertial contentment with what is: freedom paired with conformity, novelty with repetition.
The Catholic Church, to take one prominent institution devoted to the defense of human life from conception until natural death, makes no «theological» argument about the nature of the life in the womb.
Such is the partisan nature of living in a political community.
Just by the nature of living in high density areas, city dwellers have long contended with an increase in pollution exposure.
«We know that by the very nature of living in an urban environment, there are some modicum of trauma or stress that students undergo.»
While the ostensible subject is black men, the conversation that evolves in these pages is ultimately about the nature of living in a post-Obama, post-Ferguson, post-Voting Rights Act America.

Not exact matches

Some people want to live in nature, and Nicaragua has plenty of that.
Nuclear explosions produce radioactive substances that are rare in nature — like carbon - 14, a radioactive form of the carbon atom that forms the chemical basis of all life on earth.
The message to Syrians living in opposition - controlled areas, Hof added, would be the same as it always has been: «So long as we kill you, maim you, terrorize you, and drive you from your homes with ordnance that is not chemical in nature, that which is left of a hollowed - out West will do nothing to protect you.
But every one of us can try to find opportunities to wonder at the majesty of nature or art in our everyday lives, expanding our horizons and helping us see past our petty individual challenges and constraints.
«Given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison,» Ellis said of the former campaign manager.
It's in a parent's nature to want to protect your children from the slings and arrows of life, but take this too far and you'll do your precious offspring a huge disservice, warns mother of three Jen Brown.
Strategies to live more safely in such an environment abound, and no wonder: The journal Nature recently found that air pollution leads to the premature death of three million people every year, mainly in Asia.
But that's the nature of the world we live in.
We've always understood this in the context of nature -; the «butterfly effect») is often cited albeit scientifically unproven -; where a material variation in any basic ecosystem could inadvertently harm countless other and different lives, but it's been underappreciated in the business world.
Life on Earth might simply be a freak accident of nature, and it may not exist anywhere else in the entire universe.
Mother nature has given all of us who live here in British Columbia an awesome gift to enjoy and to protect.
Its human nature to always be on the lookout for something newer and better, and unfortunately we have a tendency to associate the two together in our thinking that technology can provide the perfect answer to all of life's problems.
Some would say, of course, that O'Leary's religion is money; that he appeals to the worst aspect of human nature, greed, and that this in itself disqualifies him from participating in Canadian political life.
And I believe understanding this element of human nature — which I'll discuss in the next section — is key to building a life that: a) involves ambitious striving toward goals and having impact in the world, which contributes to a sense of meaning, and b) gives you a shot at realizing true happiness by avoiding a soul - sucking competitive rat race.
It's a carpe diem mindset, which I believe is human nature regardless of whether one has emergency fund or not, especially if someone is in their late 30s and has some life experience.
While a smaller issue in comparison, largely because it doesn't impact the live ethereum network, the problems facing the Casper test network also provide evidence of the early - stage nature of ethereum as a technology.
It is much tougher to be concerned about the ideological nature of life when you are fighting in a line to pick up an unemployment check or applying for a job.
Their destructive nature — killing jobs and the environment — lives on in other forms,» said Maude Barlow, National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians.
By showcasing the most witty, joyful, bullet - pointed versions of people's lives, and inviting constant comparisons in which we tend to see ourselves as the losers, Facebook appears to exploit an Achilles» heel of human nature.
However, in the ongoing AMA, hosted by, Shrem opened up about a range of topics including the ongoing debate over bitcoin's block size, adjusting to prison life and why he believes the transparent nature of the bitcoin blockchain will lead to more repressive government regulation.
We transcend ordinary life, as it were, in moments of imaginative, ecstatic insight, sometimes brought on by the power of nature, and sometimes by the power of love, or even by the power of what is ugly or evil.
But we die... that is the nature of the world we live in.
«When we speak of the «environment,»» Francis explains, «what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it» (139).
One of Francis's primary concerns is a «tyrannical anthropocentrism» (68) that treats nature as something to manipulate at will rather than live with in harmony and respect.
Paul that shed light on the beauty and mystery of ordinary and ephemeral moments in life and nature.
Given that I accept the evolutionary nature of the creation of life, I don't believe literally in the Adam and Eve story, in the «Tree of Knowledge» or in the concept of original sin.
A prolepsis, as he uses the notion, is simply a claim staked out in history, which, when and if history is fulfilled, will be verified or falsified, and which is of such a nature that those who in the meantime have accepted it will all along have been living appropriately to the truth that will at the end be discovered.
But the end result is the same: By its nature, human erotic love is ordered to creating and raising new life, and to the mutual joy and support of a man and woman vowed in a covenant of love.
In fact, they take theism to an extreme and portray Kim Jong Un as a living god who demands obedience and worship because of his divine nature.
The atheist who claims to come from a «faith» background is extremely confused and more to be pitied than admired.Had the supposed «believer» continued in the «faith» they claim to have forsaken, they would ultimately have appeared before God and been rejected.These were deceived, they never met God, they never knew God and they never understood God.They are devoid of the Truth and twice lost.There is hope while they still breathe Gods gift of life that they might someday meet and be reconciled to God, but their lying nature makes salvation less likely.Debate with them is an exercise in futility.God bless
But let us take action carefully in order that the sickness of our nature may be perfectly healed and we thirst to come to God out of love for Him and hatred of this life and disgust with ourselves; that is, let us assiduously seek His healing grace.
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