Sentences with phrase «nature of the data»

Given the narrow and limited nature of the data used to measure this growth, however, there's often less than meets the eye in the results.
They are building their based on the rapid and ever changing nature of data.
They are now working with American federal legislators to help to combat the evolving nature of data breaches.
So maybe my skepticism about contract automation is simply ignorance of the robust nature of data processing.
Despite the shocking nature of the data about religion - based hate crimes, specifics are somewhat tricky to track down.
Given the sensitive nature of the data, all information captured on your credit report is captured on your wall which is password protected.
These points are also about engaging in a conversation about the public / private nature of data.
The second limitation is the retrospective nature of data collected through self - report measures.
The strengths of this study include the prospective nature of the data collection.
But we have to be sure that we protect the public nature of those data.
A massive flaw in the analysis is the biased nature of the data.
Now go somewhat deeper, and consider the serial nature of the data.
The relative nature of the data would render it less sensitive to differences that may be misleading.
We discussed the changing nature of data, the importance of workflow processes, and the philosophical differences challenging predictive coding adoption.
The Coleman et al. study has been subject to a number of critiques, including, for example, that the cross-sectional nature of the data used did not support causal claims about schooling effects, and that the percentage of variance explained by different subgroups of variables are sensitive to the order in which these are entered into statistical models.
Because of the nested nature of our data, with supervisors providing performance ratings for multiple employees, we tested our research model with multilevel path analysis using MPlus 6.11 (Muthén and Muthén 2010).
A further limitation is the cross-sectional nature of our data which prevents us from drawing conclusions about causal relationships.
Finally, the cross-sectional nature of these data does not permit analyses of the direction of influence between television viewing and peer integration.
What makes the advertising potential so great is that by the very nature of the data found in user profiles, Facebook has amassed incredible demographic and psychographic information on its members.
The authors add that results need to interpreted with caution given the observational nature of the data which does not prove the causality of the observed associations.
Data humanism with the help of data visualization brings out the unique and personal nature of the data.
The correlational nature of these data do not allow causal conclusions, but the data do suggest that secure attachment bonds may be associated with positive psychological outcomes for adult children, adding to a broader literature of similar findings (Main 1996).
Hear from Missy Young, CIO at Switch, and learn more about the multiple redundant critical systems needed to address the sheer volume, complexity, and mission critical nature of data being generated globally, and discuss the complex ethical issues that we will all be facing as artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in our daily lives.
As opposed to relying solely on the historical - based and reactive nature of data crunched from CRM and marketing automation.
An occasion with great strength of beauty might be based on a profound misapprehension of the real nature of its data.
Despite the elderly nature of the data, the local results appear to be very bad news for the Lib Dems.
«And as we continue to explore the moon, it reminds us of the precious nature of the data being returned.»
Due to the amount of data and nature of the data presented through these pages, there is no other current way to make use of the visualizers without visual presentation and JavaScript.
However, thanks to the overarching nature of their data, they were also able to conclude that after 2003 the East Antarctic Ice shelf stopped gaining volume.
There has been some discussion whether we should plot both GISTEMP and NCDC given the highly incestuous nature of the data and its processing but the bottom line is that all near - surface time series rely on basically the same recording points and only the processing differs, if at all.
Additional data, other than what is presented on CNW Marketing Research, Inc.'s various web sites will remain unavailable to protect the proprietary nature of the data and the research methodology.
9Because of the unbalanced nature of the data being analyzed (i.e., unequal numbers of observations for the different levels of the classification variables), the General Linear Models procedure in the Statistical Analysis System was used to perform the analyses.
The Court held that a particularly high level of data security was appropriate given the quantity and nature of the data retained and the riskiness of this operation.
Having established the scope of the retention obligation, the Court emphasised the revealing nature of this data and recalled its finding in DRI that the data «taken as a whole, is liable to allow very precise conclusions to be drawn concerning the private lives of the persons whose data has been retained» [98].
The Advocate General correctly noted that the right to rectification, erasure and blocking of data in Article 12 (b) is subject to the proviso that the processing does not comply with the provisions of the Directive, «in particular because of the incomplete or inaccurate nature of the data».
Given that news of computer breaches makes headlines almost daily, and given the sensitive nature of the data required to use the Avid Life sites, and considering the opprobrium that would result from being found out, how is it Ashley Madison could lure 37 million cheaters to sign up?
As the Narendra Modi app faces fire over the furtive nature of its data usage, a five - year - old US - based startup is facing the heat, too.
Third, the cross-sectional nature of the data gives us caution in making causal inferences from the findings of the study.
In regards to the limitation of the study, assumptions about the directionality in SEM should be understood with caution due to cross sectional nature of the data.
Given the time sequenced nature of this data, evaluating the change in relationship satisfaction over time, it is only logical that we apply hierarchical regression analysis to elicit direct effects.
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