Sentences with phrase «nature of the disease»

It is important to understand the anatomy and how dental disease occurs so that you can better communicate to the pet owner about the serious nature of this disease.
The contagious nature of this disease makes it important for your cat to receive a vaccination.
Unfortunately, the chronic nature of the disease means it will likely affect you for life.
Early care is important due to the chronic nature of this disease.
Despite the frequent low - level nature of the disease, some dogs, especially dogs under stress or those that have poor immune systems may develop more serious strains or levels of infection.
Because of the deadly nature of this disease, you should never attempt to capture a wild animal on your own.
The core vaccines are considered essential for all cats (including indoor - only cats) because of the widespread and / or severe nature of the diseases being protected against.
Due to the public health significance of rabies and the fatal nature of this disease, we must limit contact to only what is necessary to maintain proper sanitation and care of the patient.
Your family veterinarian may recommend consultation with a board - certified veterinary internal medicine specialist due to the emerging nature of this disease.
In the process, they generate data about the real - world nature of disease that helps companies and organizations develop more effective products & services.
Secondly, such a study should examine a longer follow up period that better mirrors the chronic, degenerative nature of this disease.
While some dogs can stabilize after maturity, the progressive nature of the disease leads to weakness, debilitation, and heart muscle disease.
Due to the presumed hereditary nature of the disease, the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatologists recommends the surgical neutering of any animal affected with, or recovered from, generalized demodectic mange.
During a 3 month internship at The Pet Guild last winter, I was provided with a lot of exposure to examining animals to detect and determine nature of diseases and injuries, treating sick or injured animals by prescribing medicines and suggesting procedures, and collecting body tissues and fluids for examination and analysis purposes.
She'd spent years in remission, but because of the aggressive nature of the disease passed away within ten weeks of her cancer returning.
The images are striking and enlightening in that they reveal the highly metabolically active multi-systemic nature of the disease.
Given the complex nature of these diseases, our approach will be increasingly focused on specific mechanisms that build upon results from past and ongoing trials by investigating combinations of therapeutics that target more than one pathogenic pathway.
· Changing nature of disease means that infections with drug - resistant tuberculosis will be increasingly caused by person - to - person infection, rather than non-resistant strains acquiring resistance.
The contagious nature of the disease makes testing for FIV important.
Bipolar Disorder is one of the biggest mental health concerns in the United States, but instead of addressing the true, spiritual nature of the disease, the normal course of treatment involves harmful pharmaceuticals.
Because of the complicated nature of the disease, enlisting the help of those who have experience with eating disorders is key to help get your teen on the road to recovery.
[During] the avian flu epidemic in Southeast Asia -LSB-, for example,] important papers on the threatening nature of the disease «went unnoticed because they were published in Chinese - language journals,»» Montgomery notes in the book, quoting an article by David Cyranoski in Nature.
In the case of MS, as with some other disorders, the difficulty of knowing whether a treatment that seemed to work really did have an effect in a study is compounded by the erratic nature of the disease.
Whatever the obscure nature of the disease process might prove to be, it was obvious to Lagarde that she was dealing with a desperately ill young woman whose condition was deteriorating rapidly.
The sporadic nature of the disease makes it exceedingly difficult for testing and implementing vaccines, said Kumar.
The authors of the EBioMedicine paper hypothesized that, due to the heterogeneous nature of the disease, patients with soft, lipid - rich drusen may respond better to statins prescribed at higher dosages.
However, one reason among many others could be the heterogeneity of subjects with T2DM next to the polygenetic nature of the disease, missing heritability or that important biological factors including sex, age and ethnicity were neglected in many studies.
The report used the analogy of the house fire to illustrate what scientists call the sufficient - component - cause model, which is one way to describe the «multifactorial nature of disease
Due to the inherited nature of this disease, dogs with CDA, their parents, and their siblings should not be used in breeding programs.
A third case resolved spontaneously without therapy.1 The potential for spontaneous resolution makes it difficult for clinicians to know which therapies truly work, versus the waxing and waning nature of the disease.
However, due to the prevalent nature of the disease recur days to weeks later in the same or other legs.
Due to the airborne nature of this disease, neighboring dogs boarded at Stone Mountain Pet Lodge are susceptible to the disease.
Depending on the exact nature of the disease as determined by advanced imaging, some cases of cervical stenosis respond to a surgical procedure known as a dorsal hemilaminectomy.
This chronic carrier state is what allows anaplasmosis to persist in cow herd in endemic regions and partially explains the unpredictable nature of the disease occurrence.
Ultimately he discovered that the recessive nature of the disease is due to a single gene of major effect that causes choroidal hypoplasia, the primary CEA defect.
It is important to remember that it does not always work, and the prolongation of other treatment modalities should not be undertaken due to the severe and potentially irreversible nature of this disease.
Given the dire nature of the diseases for which we vaccinate, not doing so isn't worth the risk.
Treatment consists of intravenous fluids and antibiotics, but due to the fierce nature of this disease, these poor animals are truly fighting for their lives and often end up succumbing to the disease or ending up with permanent kidney failure.
But because of the slow - moving nature of the disease, it can take years for a patient to discover that his or her cancer has been misdiagnosed.
Lynch and the team, however, reasoned that a model that mirrored the slowly progressive nature of the disease might be more valid than the rapidly progressive mouse models more commonly used.
The government's optimism on bovine TB has frustrated a committee of MPs worried by the «serious nature of the disease».
Due to the hereditary nature of the disease, several breeds including golden retrievers, most terrier breeds, Irish setters, Lhasa apsos, Dalmatians, bulldogs and Old English sheep dogs are more commonly atopic, but many dogs, including mixed breed dogs can also have atopic dermatitis.
While we can not prevent every cause of contagious cough in dogs, we recommend yearly vaccination against Bordetella for almost all dogs due to the highly contagious nature of the disease.
Dr. Goldberg added that he derives particular inspiration from his clinical role as a glaucoma specialist, from which he continues to encounter patients who are losing functional vision due to delayed diagnosis or the aggressive nature of their disease.
Given the multi-systemic nature of this disease, it is currently difficult for clinicians to accurately monitor and assess the optimal timing of treatment as well as the effect of treatment and its duration.This study is the first time that the imaging technique, FDG PET - CT, has been used to assess the combined lung structure and metabolic activity in a patient with GLILD before and after treatment.
A further complication and disincentive for breeders to use the HD scheme is due to the complex nature of the disease.
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