Sentences with phrase «nature of the film»

The episodic nature of the film doesn't help sustain momentum, especially since the actual rounding up of the film's stars takes up about 2/3 of the total running time.
It helps that the framing device cleverly makes the episodic nature of the film feel not only natural, but essential in telling the story.
Given the low - budget nature of the film, the transfer looks very good.
This is an engaging commentary as the speakers crack jokes and talk about the serious nature of the film.
The soundtrack does add a lot to the party nature of the film that makes it so easy to enjoy.
The costumes and cinematography, which reflect the overall spiritual nature of the film, are the standout technical elements.
Whether these are comical or mean to confuse, they just add to the pointless nature of the film.
The moving nature of this film relates to individual moments rather than a grand arc.
At this point, it seems moot to emphasize the collaborative nature of film.
Meanwhile, the off beat nature of the film lends to a fun independent feel.
While it shouldn't come as a surprise given the digital nature of the film itself, the results are still striking.
To be fair, this is mostly due to the relative calm nature of the film; but when that moment comes out, we're richly rewarded.
Usually we can put blame at the door of actors for the over-the-top nature of a film, but here I'm afraid, the blame rests behind the scenes.
It never bothers showing his family, such is the white - centric nature of this film.
The trailer is interesting, as it shows the confused nature of the film, as it appears to be a teenage sex comedy and a thriller rolled into one.
Given the oddly structured nature of the film, kudos must go to the cast.
In the context of her career, however, and making allowance for the low - budget nature of the film, it's a marvelous early look at a star in the making.
Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have great writing credits to their name with Deadpool and Zombieland, which surprises me due to the basic nature of this film in comparison.
The point of a movie trailer is to lie to as many eyeballs as possible regarding the quality, the appeal and in some cases the very nature of a film's storyline.
Immediately, the personal nature of this film becomes apparent to Besson, who doesn't pass this along to one of his factory workers, but keeps it for himself.
Landis has stated repeatedly that it's quite unfair to judge a script's strength based purely on the credited writer, due to the ever - shifting nature of film production, which is filled with studio - mandated rewrites, on - set improvisation and post-production editing.
Experimental filmmaker Bill Morrison created this non-narrative feature, which derives a large portion of its visual beauty from the physical nature of the film medium itself.
There are some fun character moments throughout — especially the stuff with Murray and Balaban — but it's not enough to counteract the rather pedestrian nature of the film.
Because of the loose, improvisational nature of the film, not every joke lands, but the ones that do are laugh - out - loud hilarious.
Logan is a risk considering they've never gone for a comic book movie in this category, but I think voters will respect the unique nature of the film compared to its predecessors.
It's one thing to have a meta awareness about how ridiculous and explosive you're being, but there are far too many times where 22 Jump Street succumbs to the urge to just be another big - budgeted repetition of its former success and in those times it makes the self - aware nature of the film cross over that line into insulting territory.
What qualifies as action, such as the aforementioned ferry set - piece, gets the subwoofer talking, but this soundtrack, while not disappointing in the slightest, is rarely beyond serviceable due to the quiet nature of the film.
The experimental nature of the film also proves a charm, the ten minute shots make interesting viewing and a high budget cyclorama backdrop that includes the empire state building makes the film look much more modern than anything else from the 1940's.
Then again, could be these are all red herring titles designed to obfuscate the true nature of the film, a cruel trick perpetrated on the endlessly - speculative Star Wars fanbase by noted trickster John Powell (note: John Powell does not have a reputation as a trickster), but we won't know for sure until Solo: A Star Wars Story opens on May 25th.
The unsettling nature of this film is assisted by a dreary, colorless atmosphere, as well as the realization that you're watching something truly evil happening onscreen.
And the controversial nature of the film can even provide opportunities for Christians to thoughtfully engage their secular neighbors in a substantial way.
Genuine actors operate within a framework established by the imitative nature of film ¯ hence a good person can portray a bad one, or act out bad actions, without it being a reflection of his or her character.
While the plotless nature of the film does get a little tiresome after a while, the characters have become endearing enough that we're willing to overlook the lack of a cohesive storyline.
No, he's not a great thespian — and given the stellar nature of the film's supporting cast, he threatens to look worse by comparison — but I think Affleck plays Mendez in a more than competent manner.
There are rumors circulating about an extended director's cut, an R - rated cut, all sorts of cuts of this film that will «restore» all the sequences and scenes left on the cutting room floor and make the choppy, helter - skelter nature of the film flow better and make more sense.
But there are some spots that transcend the rote nature of the film: Zach Galifianakis» gonzo Alan walks with all the film's memorable moments, from his asking about beeper - friendliness to his speech on the roof, and his Rain Man infatuation to his treatment of the baby they find in a closet.
Speculating on the athletic mentality and sporting nature of the film, Franzoni noted that teens can relate to the nature of competition inherent in the film and would appreciate its fresh perspective on a genre that many thought had seen its day.Beginning his career by collaborating on the screenplay for the 1985 Patsy Cline biopic Sweet Dreams, Franzoni first ventured into the past peplum style with Red Sonja.
This lends to the despicable nature of the film's main villain, Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Had this film been more realistic in creating a believable way to convey its socialist message, Beatty could have pulled it off, but in insisting on focusing on a character that becomes in reality unelectable, it loses any foothold on credibility and the farcical nature of the film loses its power.
Trailer does a great job of capturing the strange nature of the film that is somewhat of a cross between Holy Motors and Dogtooth...
A rather insultingly negligent dismissal of the one character with any real human emotional pathos — a film - saving Jennifer Lawrence (Winter's Bone)-- only adds to the infuriating nature of the film.
There isn't a cover - all «making of» documentary, but there is a truck load of material which is equal parts informative and enjoyable whilst maintaining the unusual nature of the film.
The posters for the film also featured McGregor and company in full costume rather than as the CGI knick - knacks they spend much of the film lending their voices to in order to emphasize the live - action nature of the film.
Just after The Greasy Strangler screening at Fantastic Fest, and just ahead of tomorrow's VOD and theatrical release, we sat down with the actress to discuss her initial hesitation in taking the role, the ballsy nature of the film, her dance moves, and more.
What's great is Cusí overcomes the repetitive nature of the film's structure by finding new ways to play familiar beats across multiple scenes.
The slight shallow nature of the film is outdone by the chemistry of the three leads and just how clever the writing is, with the film understanding that the women's want for support - financial and emotional - doesn't come from them necessarily believing in the necessity themselves, but in how society presented that as an ideal in the first place.
One may not like the violent, at times brutally realistic nature of the films, but Cassel buries himself so deeply and effectively in his role that his work transcends the content.
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