Sentences with phrase «nature of violence»

The very nature of violence is such that it has no limits.
What is the added value, if anything, of explicitly recognising the discriminatory nature of violence in human rights cases regarding state responsibility?
The film is less a didactic parable wagging a finger at the cyclical nature of violence and much more of a melancholy lamentation of how clashing dogmas lead us to hate the other based entirely on how we perceive their otherness.
My intent is to confront the viewers with the real and grotesque nature of violence, offering a context for reflecting about the vulnerability of our physical existences.
But it is the theme of the exhibition that is bound to capture public attention, with images of martyrdom, mythological suffering, and the rough world of the Counter-Reformation brought together in a way that will make visitors confront the very human nature of violence head on.
All are connected to the tree of life showing in full the exact nature of the violence of sin that flows from man and what it does to God.
The demented nature of the violence was both scary and absurdly funny, and the moments of physical mutilation were punctuated by routines that wouldn't look out of place in a Three Stooges short.
The lack of a convoluted motivation felt that much more terrifying, a tactic also used in 2006's Them and 2016's Hush, maybe because the indiscriminate nature of the violence makes us all feel unsafe and maybe because, as many classic horror films have shown, the less we know, the more terrifying it can all seem.
Clint Eastwood's masterpiece strips the western genre down to it's essence and examines the brutal and senseless nature of the violence at its core.
And never one to downplay the gruesomeness nature of violence, Ayer hangs viscus like a horror show.
In Jamaican tradition, a «duppy» is an evil ghost or spirit; this malevolent supernatural being resurrected by Abdu'Allah highlights the genocidal nature of violence against the black body, and the ongoing struggle with ghosts or spectres from the past, conjured by a hostile world dominated by ignorance and deception.
Any effective public policy response to this problem must take into account the gendered nature of this violence and how it is embedded in power dynamics between men and women within the family.
These highlight the complex and cumulative nature of violence and victimisation.
With the exception of those with mental illness, older teens and adults are typically able to recognize the screen - based nature of the violence in M - rated games and not have it be an issue in their psychological adjustment.
In providing these services, we recognise the gendered - nature of violence in relationships, but also the impact of other experiences including stress, mental ill health, emotional and psychological distress and social disadvantage such as income and housing circumstances.
A gritty spy thriller here from Spielberg with a timely message on the cyclical nature of violence and revenge.
Tamara said: «My intention is to confront the viewers with the real and grotesque nature of violence, reflecting the vulnerability of our physical existences.»
Just compare it with Spec Ops: The Line, a big multi-million project delving into researching the very nature of violence and bloodlust in humans.
This passage is no «evangelical counsel for the converted»; it is, purely and simply, a description of the nature of violence.
It seems that a good deal of confusion has arisen because of lack of clarity concerning the nature of violence, Building on the analysis of Troy Organ («The Anatomy of Violence,» The Personalist, Autumn 1970), we might define a violent act as one in which the agent, according to the judgment of an ideal observer, is objectively attempting to impose his will upon another.
Mixed motives, both moral and strategic, are the norm in determining the nature of violence and intervention on the behalf of civilians.
«In summarizing psychological perspectives on the conditions and motivations that underlie violent conflict,» says Tropp, «we find that psychology's contributions can extend beyond understanding the origins and nature of violence to promote nonviolence and peace.»
In turning its hero into a living social network through which to examine the nature of violence in the 21st century, a new play misses some important tricks
You might also notice some extra stuff involving mountain lions, a tarantula, and a lengthy conversation on the nature of violence.
The nature of the violence in the Home Alone series has been a bone of contention for some time.
This gorgeously assembled Oscar - winning Danish drama explores the nature of violence in a deeply unsettling way.
Bleak humor notwithstanding, «Three Billboards,» concerned as it is with grief, revenge, the nature of violence and the pervasiveness of despair, has serious issues on its mind.
Raging Bull (1980, Martin Scorsese): The best director currently working in American movies hit a career peak by turning the life of boxer Jake La Motta into a poetic meditation on the nature of violence.
Not the amount or nature of the violence, but the way it's used unconventionally and unexpectedly.
This new work extends Maguire's investigation into the nature of violence in Juarez, which started with his work with the mothers and families of the victims of Juarez.
At De Appel, Hiwa K turns new collaborative works and recent projects over to the task of unpacking the nature of violence.
On a journey to uncover and bring to international attention the endemic injustices and cyclical nature of the violence that occurs in this place Maguire has involved and collaborated with a number of artists, journalists and human rights activists, in an effort to uncover what it is that perpetuates this violence and strengthen the voice calling to attention the grave situation that has come to define this place.
Grossman discusses the challenges and influences in her creation of a powerful body of work that combines exquisite craftsmanship with a long - standing exploration of the nature of violence and power.
For over five decades, Grossman has created a powerful body of work that combines exquisite craftsmanship with a long - standing exploration of the nature of violence and power.
Mosaka held that this body of work «transcends the local context and begins to address the nature of violence on a broader scale.»
Safe from violence is designed to help women to understand the nature of violence in relationships and to guide women who are separating or leaving a violent relationship.
Violent Offenders and Their Victims is a holistic and human exploration of the nature of violence and its genesis.
The inclusion of the word «power», in addition to the phrase «use of physical force», broadens the nature of violence to include those acts that result from a power relationship, including threats and intimidation.
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