Sentences with phrase «nature worship»

Actually, this «country» was founded by Asian hunter gatherers that probably praticed some sort of nature worship / paganism.
Second, the ethical consequences of the new nature worship, neopantheism and the militant assertion of the equality of all creaturehood pose grave problems for establishing any prior claims of worth or inherent dignity for human beings.
But we have nothing in COMMON spiritually, as believers, with Nature worship.
The religions of Canaan, ornate as they were with divine symbols in public worship and private shrines, were in large measure characterized by the features of so - called nature worship.
I'm a laid back, spiritual, nature worshiping free spirit, with a big heart, vivid dreams, a wild imagination, and high hopes.
I built little nature worship shrines of sticks, mud, and stones.
Many sites and festivals that have a «sacred» emphasis do in practice indulge in various forms of nature worship, sometimes overt.
Some retreat into what amounts to nature worship.
Ecological critics have nostalgically lamented the decline of «nature worship» and have spoken wistfully of the need to import «Eastern» concepts of pantheism or quietist respect for the «equality of all life.»
Paganism in a nutshell, is the deification of the creaTION (Nature worship).
Furthermore, it may lead to a moment of religious insight that is more than nature worship.
A streak of nature worship — sometimes mawkish and sentimental, sometimes neopagan in its intensity, and, toward the millenium, frequently Zen - like in its clarity and repose — runs through the imaginative, intellectual and moral history of California as a fixed reference point of social identity.
The egg and bunny have been featured in festivals in honor of Ostara since the age of nature worship.
Regardless, it may very well originate with his father who, Suzuki writes, «found great strength in the Japanese tradition of nature worship
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