Sentences with word «nazism»

As a matter of fact, the ability to recognize anti-Semitism as such is chiefly a modern capacity fostered by democratic ideals and sharpened by the reaction of civilized consciences to the racial atrocities of nazism.
The editor of the latter book quantifies the answer for why communism should be considered as evil as nazism:
What nazism did was to turn the anti-Jewish feelings of the German people into anti-Semitism.
he should listen to himself and realize he (rush limbaugh) speaks nazism
I could provide examples of people who dislike nazism but think that violence is not appropriate, but this question seems to be more «Is X good or bad?»
Historical nazism and present time hate incidents were used to give them a free ticket, and the totalitarian communists, who had become unpopular even among leftist groups, could come up and disguise their goals and methods as «antifascism».
The popular belief that «Antifascism» is just opposition to political systems, like Italian fascism or German nazism, and that any person opposing them is an «antifascist», is naive, because the most important groups calling themselves «antifascist», especially those using the short term «Antifa», have a much more specific meaning.
Historically, Italian fascism * precedes nazism.
Is there a correlation between whether a country was an Axis Power, and nazism in that country?
They wear suits rather than openly flirt with nazism.
Is Francesco Vezzoli, the actual painter of this hilariously tasteless Bacon parody, saying something about nazism, history and chic?
Of course, CTL (the Fischer - Tropsch way) was developped at industrial scale under nazism and apartheid times but these times are gone.
It would be a mistake to suppose that the anti-Semitic elements of the Oberammergau Passion Play are the result of nazism.
What is present is something older and deeper than nazism — a Bavarian if not a German racial consciousness supported by a conservative religious culture.
[It] has historically been used by their leaders to justify a long succession of evil systems — including fascism, communism, anarchism, nazism, occultism, and many others.
So is the religionlike ideologies of communism and nazism.
You want to talk socialim and nazism, look at franklin and listen to what he says.
I see no difference between what you wish for and communism and nazism.
For example: the gods of communism, nazism, and fascism.
This is by no means a phenomena relegated only to the left, though I imagine the left comparing the right to Nazis does go back further (my guess is due to nazism itself being a far right - wing movement).
However, nazism was also revolutionary in nature, although left - wing revolutionaries may choose to use the term reactionary, as nazism was also strongly anti-revolutionary in nature.
National Socialism was staunchly against capitalism, and whilst it didn't oppose privately owned companies (unlike its «cousin» / rival, communism), it did dictate that everyone (every German in «nazism's» case) was equal and was required to help one another and work for their nation and fellow Germans rather than personal gain.
While this may be true, it doesn't address the question of the difference between fascism and nazism.
National Socialism (otherwise known as its misnomer of «nazism») and Fascism are ideologically at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Many politicians and social groups use «fascism» and «nazism» synonymously, and this has confused me (and maybe others) for a long time.
other than nazism?
Both forms of historical revisionism forget what is historically particular to fascism and nazism, and so reveal the poverty of perspectives in the present, never mind on the past.
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