Sentences with phrase «near human levels»

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While these technologies can carry out specific tasks extremely well, they're nowhere near the level of human intelligence, says Ruslan Salakhutdinov, assistant professor of computer science and statistics at the University of Toronto.
That's according to a blog post on Wednesday announcing Deep Text, an artificial intelligence system that Facebook says can understand text with near - human levels of accuracy.
With interest rates still hovering near the lowest levels they've ever been in 5,000 + years of recorded human history, it's very difficult to achieve a significant investment return without taking on substantial risk.
In earlier studies involving animal models and human cancer cell lines, researchers found that breast cancer spreads when three specific cells are in direct contact: an endothelial cell (a type of cell that lines the blood vessels), a perivascular macrophage (a type of immune cell found near blood vessels), and a tumor cell that produces high levels of Mena, a protein that enhances a cancer cell's ability to spread.
«If we can identify where and why these extremely high levels of use are occurring, particularly near human settlements, policymakers and health workers can work to reduce extreme exposures near agricultural communities via information campaigns or farmer outreach,» Larsen explained.
12 guide RNAs developed to find mutation «hotspots» along the dystrophin gene helped rescue cardiac function to near - normal levels in human heart muscle tissue.
This level of collision avoidance will usher in a future of shared airspace, with many drones flying in proximity to humans and operating in and near the built environment to perform a multitude of tasks.
To evaluate the global human methylome in adipose tissue, we calculated the average level of methylation for all sites divided into groups based on either their location in relation to the nearest gene (Fig. 2A) or the location in relation to CpG islands (Fig. 2B)(24).
To put this kind of sensitivity into yet more perspective, LIGO technology is theoretically capable of measuring the distance from the sun to the nearest star — Proxima Centauri, which lies about 4.25 light - years away — «to a level of about the width of a human hair,» David Reitze of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), executive director of the LIGO Laboratory, said during a news conference today.
Furthermore, Solocarbon infrared heat allows for most of the far infrared wavelength to be near 9.4 microns, which is the level at which the human body absorbs infrared energy.
On his third film, Waititi has refined his humour and storytelling to near - perfect level: his deadpan ways are beautifully connected to the most human moments of a genuine father - son narrative and emotions that flow gently but powerful underneath the funnies.
Robotics have rendered nearly all human jobs obsolete, resulting in near - universal unemployment and record levels of violence.
Dogs mirror the arousal level of other dogs and humans they are near to.
The horrible fact about reviewing gaming mice is that at this level of technical performance it's damn near impossible to declare one product better than another, because the differences are so small that humans struggle to register them.
I say that because at a certain level increases in performance over other mice becomes damn near impossible for a human to really judge.
Near the end of the level we saw, B.J. and his compatriots were attacked by a Nazi ultra-soldier, which looked part robotic and part human, but all deadly.
Binary Domain opens with a (computer generated) bang, presenting a near - future world where the characters usually presented as villains — the robots — demand real levels of sympathy, as it becomes clear the humans have been building robots that don't even know they're robots.
We are changing the climate, but remember we are also going through mineral resources very fast, population is still exploding near exponentially, we are altering the entire landscape and biosphere of the planet often in destructive ways, and loading up future generations with huge levels of financial debt, all at the same time, and within a very short time period of human history.
For the entire period of human civilization, roughly 8,000 years, the carbon dioxide level was relatively stable near that upper bound.
We also need to keep in mind that we know what the world was like with lower CO2 levels, while human civilization has never had to cope with the higher levels we will see in the near future.
We humans are no where near the level required to have the effect that the AGW supporters claim and the people pushing this shit are very clearly exploiting the standard human concern that any highly social species has that others are doing something to create problems for them.
Whether or not human CO2 has contributed to sea - level rise, and whether or not it will continue to, or make things worse, mitigation will have very little effect in the near and mid term, and the problem of «natural» sea level rise will still exist, regardless of what we do or do not do.
Our home planet is dangerously near a tipping point at which human - made greenhouse gases reach a level where major climate changes can proceed mostly under their own momentum.
Although his project's latest survey conducted in the spring, showed that 70 percent of the public believes climate change is occurring — a near record level — only 53 percent believe global warming is caused by humans and only 16 percent say they are «very worried» about it.
And whether or not the level of agreement in the literature to the claim that humans have caused greater than 50 % of recent warming is near 97 % or closer to 50 % is very relevant to that issue (and the correctness of my ascriptions of which side is indulging in disinformation.)
A (2) Modern warming, glacier and sea ice recession, sea level rise, drought and hurricane intensities... are all occurring at unprecedentedly high and rapid rates, and the effects are globally synchronous (not just regional)... and thus dangerous consequences to the global biosphere and human civilizations loom in the near future as a consequence of anthropogenic influences.
Unless you are willing to somehow assume that pre-1750 CO2 levels were near 75 to 100 ppm, you can not claim CO2 levels have been rising due to human influence until the mid-1950's, not the mid 1750's..
-- The δ13C level of all CO2 from volcanoes of the world and from the oceans is higher than of the atmosphere, all CO2 measurements in the atmosphere and the ocean surface give a steady decline in δ13C in near perfect ratio to human emissions.
The New York Times reported on what it called the report's «near certainty» that humans are responsible for the rising temperatures of recent decades and its warning that sea levels could rise by more than three feet by the end of the century.
We are nowhere near being able to stabilize emissions at levels that many people believe will be necessary to avoid catastrophic impacts on human societies and the environment.
The researchers calculated that humans and most mammals, which have internal body temperatures near 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, will experience a potentially lethal level of heat stress at wet - bulb temperature above 95 degrees sustained for six hours or more, said Matthew Huber, the Purdue professor of earth and atmospheric sciences who co-authored the paper that is currently available online and will be published in an upcoming issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences....
I still believe that CO2 levels are rising largely due to human activities and that they contribute to net mean warming, though not anywhere near the amount estimated by the official climate Team, and far less than natural processes not under human control.
There is no consistent evidence of human health effects from exposure to extremely low - frequency electromagnetic radiation at much higher levels than is present near wind farms.
According to word error rate (WER) measurements, [Yandex's] SpeechKit provides world - best accuracy for spoken Russian recognition, enabling Alice to understand speech with a near human - level accuracy.
A new research centre to study the opportunities and challenges the rise of human - level intelligence among machines might present in the near future has been established at the U.K.'s Cambridge University.
In humans, the end product of the HPA axis is cortisol, a steroid hormone that follows a diurnal rhythm — increasing early in the morning, peaking approximately 30 minutes after waking, and declining throughout the day, reaching near - zero levels at night.14 This diurnal pattern is not present at birth but begins to emerge around 3 months of age15, 16 and is fully entrained to daylight cycles by age 2 years.17 Children experiencing social deprivation or maltreatment show departures from this typical profile of diurnal HPA activity, suggestive of chronic stress.
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