Sentences with phrase «near humans in»

Researchers have detected Zika in capuchin monkeys and common marmosets, which both reside near humans in Brazil (SN: 3/4/17, p. 15).

Not exact matches

I've heard it said that the thing that separates humans from the other great apes (beyond opposable thumbs and better haircuts) is our capacity to delay near - term gratification in pursuit of a superior downstream payoff.
Anna Borshchevskaya, an Ira Weiner fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, writes in The Hill that the coup attempt will force Erdogan and Putin toward a closer relationship as Turkey moves further away from the West and its demands for human rights and open democracy.
We are moving towards a setting where Amy is near instant, but even in her current incarnation she tends to beat most human assistants in response time and working days (given her 24/7 machine setting).
Back then, investment in the oilsands was nearing its peak, and oil producers had a huge human resources headache.
The reports suggest that there is a large risk of a human version of bird flu erupting in the near future, and show how this could be done in a laboratory.
«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being.»
We are nowhere near the apocalyptic scenario in which smart evil robots turn on humans, said Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Alphabet.
Implanting computing power in the brain could help humans have near - perfect memory, read books instantaneously and communicate with other implanted humans telepathically, or without speaking, explains Johnson.
That led us to go deeper into the report — by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an agency within the federal Department of Health and Human Services — to see what other states are near the top of the list for marijuana users, who leads in cocaine abuse, and which states» residents most abuse alcohol and other drugs.
It's not hard to imagine a machine that could beat a human in shotput, Littman says; consider the nearest cannon.
«I have a tough time in any near - term or any medium - term sort of scenario seeing that robots are just going to do their own thing and decide to shoot each other without any interaction [or] human control.»
The answer, at least for the near future, is likely to be the same as it in nearly all of the current debates over robots versus humans — a hybrid situation where the machines make the humans better.
But space entrepreneurs are now attempting to capitalize on NASA's rekindled interest in lunar travel, coughing up a handful of proposals all leading to the commence of human colonies in our nearest neighbor in space.
Even for those who believe that the human species is to become extinct at some point in the (near?
Private equity firm Apollo's party, hosted in a Greek restaurant near Central Park, featured «live statues»: humans standing completely still, painted to look like marble.
Around the same time, in March 2016, Becker installed static thermal cameras capable of identifying human forms and vehicles near a fence line often used by poachers in the national park of Lake Nakuru, around 300 kilometres north of Heath's conservancy.
Police have charged a New Jersey school superintendent with relieving himself in public, after school officials reported seeing human waste near an athletic field on a daily basis.
The United Nations human rights expert on Myanmar voiced deep concern on Tuesday at a sharply escalation in hostilities in Kachin state, citing reports of the army using aerial bombings, heavy weapons and artillery fire on civilian areas near China.
However, the lowest interest rates in human history broke that correlation, and today, the divergence remains near its post-crisis extreme.
With interest rates still hovering near the lowest levels they've ever been in 5,000 + years of recorded human history, it's very difficult to achieve a significant investment return without taking on substantial risk.
In the futuristic world of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry and his successors weaved together a series that takes a near utopian look at future humans.
Exposing you for the lying ass you are is fun though... just shows people that people like you are in need of serious mental health help and shouldn't be allowed near any human unless they are injecting you with anti-psychotic meds.
Bridgestone Tires: The Beaver in «Sigh of Relief» What could possibly be more entertaining than future road kill bonding with a human over their respective near - death experiences.
It denies the beauty of being human, and it ignores all these gaps that need to be filled in by the individual,» he ruminates near the end of Blankets.
The fate of the book is merely a detail in the sweeping vision of Kurzweil's The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Viking), but it is exemplary: Just as....
If however, promiscuity is ok, then we are no where near what the church is about in serving the human family, and you are trying to mix oil and water.
They say further that even if one does not equate a fetus with a child, as long as one attributes some value to the fetus» and they demonstrate how economists routinely make such outrageous calculations in insurance claims for loss of body parts» and put the value as low as one hundredth of a human being, the lowered crime rate would not come near justifying the number of abortions.
your brain is relatvely soo simple and therefore its comprehension is also very limited, you believe in evolution so religion itself is an evolutionary process.Even atheism also evolved, The arguments today is just part of the evolutionary process of change through dialectecal methods.The moment humans begin to understand and appreciate the dialectics then the solution to the problems argued is near.
The Kingdom of God is not an ideal which realizes itself in human history; we can not speak of its founding, its building, its completion; we can say only that it draws near, it comes, it appears.
It does not necessarily mean observing the rules or codes recognized in any human society, except insofar as these represent the attempt of that society to make actions express the nearest thing to full realization of affected interests which is possible to the average human being.
I don't know what foolish things people and nations will permit themselves to do in the near future, what compacts we will make with hell through the use of nuclear and biological weapons, what ecological disasters we will actively perpetrate or merely permit to happen or what unprecedented human tragedy we will willingly or witlessly sponsor.
The location is believably Near Eastern (though most of the movie was shot in Spain), and Jesus is disarmingly human, though just enigmatic enough to assuage the fears of those who, like Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria, fear Nestorianism or Monophysitism.
Also on Wednesday ISIS executed 190 former Iraqi security forces for refusing to join them, in the Al Ghazlani base near Mosul,» said Ravina Shamdasani from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Thanks to the mechanical devices which we increasingly charge with the burden not only of production but also of calculation, the quantity of unused human energy is growing at a disturbing rate both within us and around us; and this phenomenon will reach its climax in the near future, when nuclear forces have been harnessed to useful work.
In the animals we domesticated through genetic transformation, «Wild, human - threatening, and human - fearfulness instincts are eliminated and replaced by tameness, an acceptance or desire to be near humans, and often, other specific human - serving personalities.»
As we read this history, the furor over stem cells was fueled by numerous factors: the near - universal human desire for magic; patients» desperation in the face of illness and their hope for cures; the belief that biology can now do anything; the reluctance of scientists to accept any limits (particularly moral limits) on their research; the impact of big money from biotech stocks, patents, and federal funding; the willingness of America's elite class to use every means possible to discredit religion in general; and the need to protect the unlimited abortion license by accepting no protections of unborn human life.
I suppose we don't notice it, but we make so many compromises with human snobbery, human sin, human error, and human greed, the nearer we are to the top in ruling other men.
A slew of TV shows including Black Mirror, Humans, Westworld and Electric Dreams have imagined the ways in which such technology could change the near future of our world.
Lewontin thus saw creationism as falsified not so much by any discoveries of modern science as by universal human experience, a thesis that does little to explain either why so absurd a notion has attracted so many adherents or why we should expect it to lose ground in the near future.
This position is predicated on the view that in the hierarchy of human values and needs, aesthetics is near the top and therefore beyond the experience of all but the cultured and leisure classes.
The availability of pornography and the near universality of its consumption are today facts of human existence, at least in the West, and are likely to remain so.
Yet it stands head and shoulders above its nearest rival; its separateness inheres, not in theories of its origin and nature, but in the solid facts of its worth and of its impact upon human society in the way both of rebuke to the low and bestial and of exaltation of an impossible ideal, toward which, nonetheless, it has attracted and impelled.
Yet there is also through the Old Testament frequent reference to organs or parts of the body to which are ascribed special functions, or, in some cases, near - independence, in human consciousness and action.
If so, it rests somewhere near the intersection K.C. Abraham has been watching carefully in recent years: the incompatibility of The Big Economy (the global human economy) with The Great Economy (the economy of nature).7 Local human economies have been reduced to complications of transnational decisions, or simply left aside altogether.
Herman Kahn has spoken of the plausible invention in the near future of a «doomsday machine,» i.e., a device that could literally wipe out every human being on the planet.
It is no coincidence that the near unanimous judgment of science fiction writers is that a world dominated by technological hardware is a world in which individual human self - identity is missing.
In his recognition of the deep significance of the human sufferings of Jesus the writer to the Hebrews stands nearer to Paul than to John.
And [in all your dealings] give full measure and weight, with equity: [however,] WE do not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear; and when you voice an opinion; be just, even though it be [against] one near relative.
What he opposes most stridently in this book is not religious doubt itself or attempts to understand religion as a human construct or a biological phenomenon, but rather what he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinction.
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