Sentences with phrase «near our front door so»

Pack all of your bags and put them in the car or near the front door so you're not scrambling when it's time to leave.
We have a large window near our front door so the safety aspect of this device really appeals to me!
We also have glass and windows near the front door so people can see us when we come to the door, and I am often home alone with young children.

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It speaks to the satisfactions I've found recently through intentional encounters with the unscreened world: in helping my neighbor load up his baby pigs; putting my phone in a tray as I come through the front door so that I remember to give my kids my whole self; observing the way the Benedictine monks on the hill near my home bow in greeting one another and the way their eyes pierce me — greeting me, the stranger, as a guest, as Christ.
I wished I could go to different locations to take photos but there's just no way so we end up taking mu pics early in the morning while my son is brushing his teeth and we are near our front door.
I for one liked the Rambo Lambo from the Eighties, but I don't know if the current market is still favourable for such a high end off road vehicle, my guess is that Mr Winkelmann is right and a four door front engine V12 (or V10) would be a better decision for Lamborghini production wise (and profit wise) so if we capture the hints from Sant «Agata right we could be seeing an Espada successor in the near future.
Place it as near the front door as possible so that it is visible to rescuers.
Of course, you probably don't want the light on all the time, so you can tack on a motion sensor to only have the bulb turn on when you walk near the front door.
Secondly, its performance is reliant on a good Wi - Fi network, so if your front door is nowhere near your wireless router then it might struggle to connect.
(I have to confess I left some mini lights from last Christmas on a bunch of interesting branches in a vase near the front door, so me, too.)
I can think of so many uses: on my bedside table to inspire me daily; on an old luggage rack as a cute side table by my favorite chair; as a centerpiece on my dining table to hold the things that seem to live there; hung on the wall over the buffet in my dining room; on the entry table near our front door to catch outgoing mail and keys.
We also have a window right near the front door that we'd like to cover so people can't see directly into our home.
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