Sentences with phrase «near surface temperature»

The average near surface temperature of Earth's atmosphere is much the same as the average surface temperature of the oceans.
RE95, it seems to me that somebody needs to create a 3D near surface temperature station model to test various microsite effects.
In this data analysis activity, students compare near surface temperature at the time of the solstices in two different hemispheres, and see how the tilt of the Earth's axis in relationship to the Sun contributes to temperature differences across... (View More) the planet.
Convection is based on the VERY near surface temperature whereas SB is based on the temperature of the larger air mass in radiative exchange with the surface.
The spatial patterns of the model and CRU winter and summer near surface temperature and specific humidity are very similar.
Section assesses the variability of near surface temperature observations and simulations.
When asked to describe his «skepticism» about human - caused global warming, Watts went into a long discussion about his concerns that encroachment of human development near surface temperature stations has introduced a bias into the temperature record.
Don't know where I got my lines crossed but I herewith point out in Chapter1 figures 1.4 and 1.5, comparing near surface temperature range observed data with projections, 1990 — 2015 with its plateau of measured data warming and large uncertainty shading.
The average near surface temperature of Earth's atmosphere is close to the average surface temperature of the oceans.
Kharin, V.V., F.W. Zwiers, and X. Zhang, 2005: Intercomparison of near surface temperature and precipitation extremes in AMIP - 2 simulations, reanalyses and observations.
Scientifically, global warming is defined in terms of surface (or near surface temperature) change, and this extends throughout the troposphere too.
iv) The downward infrared flux from the atmosphere to land surface or ocean is primarily natural so that the near surface temperature already accommodates that natural component.
Because of their new method, UAH v6 gives a much lower weight to near surface temperatures and a higher weight to (cooling) lower stratosphere temperatures.
That's practically zero compared to the radiation flux at temperatures comparable to the surface temperature; in the part of the spectrum which is optically thin, the planet radiates at near the surface temperature.
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