Sentences with phrase «near the anus»

Wagging also spreads pheromones which are hormones produced in glands near the anus of the dog.
When your baby is passing dry and hard stools, there is a possibility of your baby tearing the skin near the anus area, which looks like a little blood or anal fissures.
Anal glands are small glands located near the anus of some animals like dogs.
If you have a long hair cat, any matted hair near the anus can cause your cat to avoid defecation.
Generally, this condition is identified by detection of live worms in the feces, or rice - like matter attached to the fur near the anus.
Tapeworm segments may often be seen near the anus of the dog or cat.
This is a hernia that happens near the anus most often in males 6 to 8 years old who have not been neutered.
In case tears, known as anal fissures develop in the skin near the anus due to passage of very hard and dry stool, do mention them to your physician.
Doctors also check of any «dimple» at the base of the spine or a second opening near the anus which could be a sign of spina bifida, an abnormality in development of the spinal column.
If you notice pain during bowel movements and feel swelling near your anus, you might have hemorrhoids — stretched and swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum.
It's no accident that we are born near the anus, an area that has lots of bacteria, most of which are good and necessary for normal gut health and development of the immune system.
The areas with the most symptoms tend to be groin, armpit, and around the buttocks near the anus.
Q: My Maltese had a blocked right anal gland sac for some time, which resulted in a hole near the anus that became infected.
If you see your pet dragging their bottom across the floor, licking the anus or biting at the top of the tail near the anus, this could be the first sign of an anal sac problem.
Natural dog odors are most prominent near the anus, near the ears and form the footpads.
Dogs have small glands near the anus commonly called anal glands.
Segments break off and can be found moving around near the anus or on your dog's bedding.
When you notice sudden weight loss, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, coupled with other symptoms such as white eggs near the anus of the cat, worms might be to blame.
Occasionally, the mobile segments can be seen crawling near the anus or on the surface of a fresh bowel movement.
Combined with conventional measures to soften the stool (plenty of dietary fiber, water, and exercise), occasional use of cascara sagrada preparations makes sense for preventing the pressure and pain associated with hemorrhoids and anal fissures (cracks in the skin near the anus).
Most pet owners are able to identify the presence of tapeworms by spotting these small rice like segments (which are often still moving) in their dog's fur near their anus.
Both species communicate information on sex and reproductive status via a complex combination of volatile chemicals found in a foul - smelling, orange - brown paste extruded from scent glands near the anus.
Escherichia coli reside in the colon and near the anus but can generally take up route following the opening of the urethra where they migrate and populate within the urinary tract.
Normally, an owner's first sign of tapeworms is rice - like segments (which may be moving) near the anus or in pet's stool.
Similar to most of its mustelid family members, ferrets have scent glands near their anus.
If you notice tapeworm segments in your cat's feces or near the anus, talk to your veterinarian, who will probably prescribe an oral deworming medication.
The itchy areas of skin can be near their anus, around their face and ears, or around their feet, forelegs, or armpits.
Your cat has two glands near her anus that she uses to mark her territory.
These worms are often detected when the owner notices (potentially moving) segments of them, which are not unlike white seeds or rice in appearance, near the anus or in pet's stool.
It resulted in the swelling of the gland to the point that it popped a hole out of his skin near his anus and that is how it drained.
In fact, the AKC's disqualification applying to all breeds regarding hernia surgery mentions only corrections of inguinal (in or near the groin), scrotal or perineal (near the anus) hernias, not umbilical hernias.
To detect tapeworm eggs, check your dog's stool or hairs near his anus.
Generally, when a pet is infected, the owner will notice tapeworm segments, which look like rice, in the stool, near the anus or on the pet's fur.
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