Sentences with phrase «near the surface of the skin»

These tiny clusters of blood vessels near the surface of the skin usually appear on the face and / or legs.
This is caused by tiny skin flakes that become trapped in small pockets near the surface of the skin.
After injection of a local anesthetic, the doctor may drain an abscess near the surface of the skin either by aspiration with a needle and syringe or by using a small incision.
As rosacea progresses, other symptoms can develop such as permanent redness, red bumps (some with pus), red gritty eyes, burning and stinging sensations, small blood vessels visible near the surface of the skin, and in some advanced cases a bulbous nose.
Nagoya, Japan (Scicasts)-- When a fingertip explores the surface of a material, mechanoreceptors called Meissner's corpuscles (MCs) near the surface of the skin mainly respond to low - frequency vibration stimuli...
As the toxins near the surface of our skin they meet a surplus of oil thanks to the extra androgenic hormones, which creates warm, friendly petri dish for acne.
Stomach cancer treatment for example may require a more invasive procedure than a small tumor on near the surface of the skin that can easily be treated with radiation.
Of course, the primary sign of a lice infestation is the presence of small, flat, wingless lice on your pet or the presence of nits, or lice eggs, affixed to hair shafts near the surface of the skin.
Behavioural strategies could include seeking shade in warm weather or getting close to another dog or human in cold weather, physiological strategies include shivering, panting or vasodilation (bringing blood from the core of the body to the skin where it can be cooled) / vasoconstriction (when blood vessels near the surface of the skin narrow to direct blood back to the core), whilst anatomical strategies include having fur or body fat.
«We saw that fewer patients in the IMRT group developed skin telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin), and the overall cosmetic effect in the breast was better,» she said.
It does so by circulating blood near the surface of the skin, by exhaling warm, humidified air, and by evaporating sweat.
Sinus blockage triggered by a food or seasonal allergy can cause swelling of the tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin — and, voila, «darkened» areas around your nose and eyes.
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