Sentences with phrase «nearby charter school»

Instead, I take advantage of changes over time in the presence of nearby charter schools due to new charters opening.
About a third of the eligible students in the district's boundaries attend the charter; the others are at neighboring districts or other nearby charter schools.
Our analysis of competitive effects therefore investigates whether the effect of charter schools on traditional public schools varies with the number of nearby charter schools as well as with the distance to the nearest charter.
«I feel like is a family, we're all as one,» said High Tech freshman Raven Wright, who came to the district - run school from a larger nearby charter school.
Updated after the jump: The Weekly gives a play - by - play of a long, passionate night — with testimonies from nearby charter schools, a few crazies and a handful of parents who say they were duped into signing the «Parent Trick - er» petition.
To address the problem of nonrandom location, we essentially measure the effect of charter school competition on test - score gains by comparing the gains made by students in each traditional public school before the establishment of a nearby charter with the gains those same students made in that school after the arrival of nearby charter schools.
Not far from the heart of Houston, unlikely alliance between a school district and nearby charter schools is bringing the best of both worlds to area students.
But the parents developing a nearby charter school want something more.
This prompted him to take education classes and start mentoring students in a nearby charter school in order to try to help.
The influence of a nearby charter school on traditional public schools in the area depends, in part, on the credibility of students» threats to switch to the charter.
These analyses examine how the sizes of the overall effects reported above vary based on the density of nearby charter schools, the quality of the charter school (based on test - score performance and charter operator), and a range of student characteristics.
Princeton, in my adopted state of New Jersey, for instance, is notable for its resistance to the proposed founding of a nearby charter school (despite it, ironically, already having one).
Among those who enrolled in the spring — some just weeks before the school year ended — were a 17 - year - old from Guatemala returning to classes for the first time since he was in sixth grade, a ninth - grader who left a nearby charter school after she was caught with marijuana, and an 18 - year - old who dropped out of Southeast Washington's Ballou High earlier in the year after moving into a group foster home in Northwest Washington.
The principal at my nearby charter school makes over $ 300,000 per year, a 246 percent increase from her salary before the school was chartered.
But this way, Whitmore Lake wouldn't have to worry about a nearby charter school stealing away their own kids, and the state funding that comes with each student.
With a cyber school, Whitmore Lake wouldn't have to worry about a nearby charter school stealing away their own kids.
Vidaud's 15 - year - old son, who attends a nearby charter school, lost seven friends in the shooting.
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