Sentences with phrase «nearly died of starvation»

As a result of this highly restricted diet her son nearly died of starvation and dehydration.

Not exact matches

Well, the last time Americans had a president who was psychologically «programmed» to ignore facts that didn't agree with his beliefs, the USA ended up wasting $ 1T in an illegal war to «liberate» 100's of billions of barrels of Iraqi oil (as many as 1.2 M people died in the process due to violence, disease & starvation resulting from the conflict), nearly $ 5T was added to the U.S. federal debt, a man with experience as the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association was put in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. subprime credit «bubble» expanded hugely & then imploded, wiping out some $ 14T in global wealth & destroying millions of jobs, etc..
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