Sentences with phrase «neat little bow»

It's rarely all tied up in neat little bows or packaged with pretty paper.
Drop the expectation that the discussion is going to end in a neat little bow, or that you'll change the other person's mind, or that your opinion is superior.
Science doesn't have anything «wrapped up with a neat little bow on top».
It's the religious who seem to have all the answers wrapped up in a neat little bow.
I'm not saying I need everything wrapped up in a neat little bow, but this is just silly.
There is an absolutely perfect moment for the movie to end but it keeps going for another five minutes to tie everything up into a neat little bow.
Everything tied up in a neat little bow?
All this happens before they wrap things up with a neat little bow that includes DVD reviews and a look back at the fantastic Fantastic Fest.
Excellent one - off drama that caused a stir by its refusal to tie up the narrative in a neat little bow at the end... as if this was a bad thing.
It draws you into the story and you find yourself becoming sympathetic towards the characters and secretly hoping all will end happily ever after, wrapped up in a neat little bow.
It does, however, have a lovely happy ending in which everything's tied up in a neat little bow that proves, honestly, to be the biggest disappointment of the whole damned thing: Though I'm not a huge fan of Anderson, he's never struck me as simpering.
Join Amiibo Jason, Happily Candied and TJ Cencula as they unbox all the shiny new amiibo released last Friday, finally tying a neat little bow around their Smash Bros. collections.
I thought it was about half a decent movie, but by the time it was all wrapping together in a neat little bow I was rolling my eyes very hard.
«I don't want to give the impression that it is all tied up with a neat little bow,» she said.
I was going to design and launch the course, then tie everything up with a neat little bow and walk away for a while.
It's the ribbon on the package, tying everything up into a neat little bow and cementing in the readers» mind that you have the foundation needed to do the job right.
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