Sentences with phrase «necessarily keep him long term»

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But the Canadian experience has been that founding a startup in Canada hasn't necessarily meant keeping it here for the long term.
This doesn't necessarily mean that they stick to the new habits 100 %, they may slip occasionally, but that doesn't frustrate them, they just keep on going until they develop strong habits, which in the long - term increases the likelihood of achieving success exponentially.
He focuses on the things that matter to achieving his long - term goals, not necessarily the stuff that keeps him entertained in the short - term.
Also, keep in mind that short - term bonuses won't necessarily benefit you in the long run if the credit card doesn't align with your spending habits.
Sports stars need to learn about financial innovation like bitcoin because they make a lot of money, but footballers do not necessarily have the financial skills to keep it long term.
Keep in mind that each opportunity doesn't necessarily have to be «perfect» to add great value to your long - term career.
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