Sentences with phrase «necessary conversations because»

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The ROI conversation continues to have legs because historically, B2B marketers have not had access to clear social media metrics, which are necessary to begin the framework for marketing program evaluation.
In relation to the above conversation what that would mean is being confident in your ability because you have done the necessary preparatory work and have a game plan settled.
I bring the conversation up because it came to mind last week when I was reading about a Christian ethicist so passionately committed to defending the (unmistakably) exceptional nature of human beings that he thinks it necessary to forbid his children any sentimental solicitude for the suffering of beasts, and to disabuse them of the least trace of the dangerous fantasy or pathetic fallacy that animals experience anything analogous to human emotions, motives, or needs; they can not really, he insists, know anxiety, grief, regret, or disappointment, and so we should never allow them to divert our sympathies or ethical longings from their proper object.
It is sometimes difficult to talk about the risks associated with procedures like C - sections without fueling the flames of the so - called «mommy wars,» but the conversation remains a necessary one, because evidence - based maternity care saves lives.
I felt it necessary to announce this on social media because we were together 24/7 so as soon as anyone sees us not together the first question is «where's Sara» about 20 people asked me that very question today at the gym and when I say we are no longer together it's a 20 min conversation.
i am simple man, easy going but highly principled, respect lower and upper echelon irrespective of their race, love every one around, in area of life partner i respect my soul mate much more than every other person because she is my number one security, love her at due course, acknowledge her feelings gives her attention when it's necessary that is all for now, mutual conversation tells more about myself thank you.
MacEwen believes that big firms have «avoided the really difficult, awkward conversations» about reducing partner numbers, but that those conversations are necessary because «that's where the money is.»
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