Sentences with phrase «necessary discussion on»

We are already necessary discussion on about such kind of relationship.

Not exact matches

If you're waffling on having a necessary - but - awkward conversation, imagine how you would defend your decision to open the discussion before approaching the person for that uncomfortable chat.
«As a family we recognize this report may spark a further discussion on the opioid crisis and we feel that it is a healthy and necessary discussion and we hope in some way this report can save lives,» the post read.
Trump on Tuesday hosted a discussion on options to respond to any North Korean aggression or if necessary to prevent Pyongyang from threatening the United States and its allies with nuclear weapons, the White House said in a statement.
Although Deputy Governor Ben Broadbent went on the offensive to state that more rate hikes were necessary to rein in inflation, analysts remain sceptical that the central bank would do anything more to alter the current monetary policy until more clarity on the Brexit discussions emerge.
The word «passive» can take on another important sense in these discussions, which is the sense associated with a «passive ethos», where investors refrain from placing trades for speculative reasons, and instead only trade as necessary to carry out their saving and consumption plans, or to transition their portfolios to a state that matches their risk tolerances as they age.
These responsibilities include: (i) fostering processes that allow the Board to function independently of management and encouraging open and effective communication between the Board and management of the Company; (ii) providing input to the Chairman on behalf of the independent Directors with respect to Board agendas; (iii) presiding at all meetings of the Board at which the Chairman is not present, as well as regularly scheduled executive sessions of independent Directors; (iv) in the case of a conflict of interest involving a Director, if appropriate, asking the conflicted Director to leave the room during discussion concerning such matter and, if appropriate, asking such Director to recuse him or herself from voting on the relevant matter; (v) communicating with the Chairman and the CEO, as appropriate, regarding meetings of the independent Directors and resources and information necessary for the Board to effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities; (vi) serving as liaison between the Chairman and the independent Directors; (vii) being available to Directors who have concerns that can not be addressed through the Chairman; (viii) having the authority to call meetings of the independent Directors; and (ix) performing other functions as may reasonably be requested by the Board or the Chairman.
But, as the discussion above suggests, if Bill 12 were applied in such a way as to change the rules with respect to the batching of product on the TransMountain pipeline it would be necessary to examine very carefully if this created one of the two forms of prohibited conflict between provincial legislation and the terms of the National Energy Board Act (see the common carrier rules of s 71 (1)-RRB-, and any applicable Board decisions relating to the prorating of capacity on the TransMountain pipeline.
The question is presented as part of a larger discussion on the nature of philosophical and imperial authority, yet it is clear that the imperial part of the argument is not necessary to its main thrust, as a result standing out all the more.
Unfortunately religion has become a defining point for discussion lately in society which makes it important and necessary for greater discussion on the topic.
And free discussion is, for Rorty, «simply [my italics] the sort which goes on when the press, the judiciary, the elections, and the universities are free, social mobility is frequent and rapid, literacy is universal, higher education is common, and peace and wealth have made possible the leisure necessary to listen to lots of different people and think about what they have to say» (CIS 84).
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
For far from being a deviation from biblical truth, this setting of man over against the sum total of things, his subject - status and the object - status and mutual externality of things themselves, are posited in the very idea of creation and of man's position vis - a-vis nature determined by it: it is the condition of man meant in the Bible, imposed by his createdness, to be accepted, acted through... In short, there are degrees of objectification... the question is not how to devise an adequate language for theology, but how to keep its necessary inadequacy transparent for what is to be indicated by it...» Hans Jonas, Phenomenon of Life, pp. 258 - 59; cf. also Schubert Ogden's helpful discussion on «Theology and Objectivity,» Journal of Religion 45 (1965): 175 - 95; Ian G. Barbour, Issues in Science and Religion (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice - Hall, 1966), pp. 175 - 206; and Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).
To me, at least, the dialog is not «socialism bad, capitalism good», or «Taxes bad, profits good», or all of the rest of the polarized discussions that seem to be hard to get past; it's «since taxation is necessary unless you want anarchy, how much taxation is okay — and on whom, and directed where?»
And yet, while Brown's most recent work, Love's Body (Random House, Inc., 1966), indicates he is familiar with Barfield's discussions on language as metaphor, Altizer does not seem to see the necessary connection between this concept and Saving the Appearances.
It is not necessary to agree with Jorge Luis Nobo to recognize that the fact itself that his article on transition and his later book have given rise to so much discussion and even some irritation, indicates that he has touched a central nerve of the Whiteheadian metaphysics.
The final chapter, on the «question of the historical Jesus», has been added because the current intensive discussion of this question makes it necessary that any man attempting historical research on Jesus should be prepared to take a stance with regard to the significance he would attribute to the results of that work.
If leaders in the several churches recognize that unanimity in all matters of theological interpretation is neither possible nor necessary to ecclesial communion, and if they recognize that the mandate of Our Lord himself makes communion between churches mandatory, then they should now decide to enter into urgent discussion on the concrete conditions for resuming ecclesial communion.
I believe I did present somewhat of a solution in saying that nothing elaborate is necessary, just a quick hitting piece that covers the basics that sheds some light to the rest of the readers here on the impact of their commitments, and provides interesting discussion in the dark hours of the off season.
At 8:30 a.m., Assemblyman David Weprin joins a discussion on state parole problems and the reforms necessary to close Rikers Island, Columbia University, The Chapel, Interchurch Center Building, 475 Riverside Drive, Manhattan.
In addition to taking non-western influences more seriously, the workshop discussion started from the general premise that it is necessary to go beyond Levitsky and Way by probing the causal mechanisms behind «linkage» and «leverage», to analyse the links between the two concepts, and to focus on the role of agency.
«We are currently having important discussions about a comprehensive school - safety plan that will ensure the state provides the support necessary to strengthen security and keep our children safe,» is all Senate GOP spokesman Scott Reif would say on gun control Tuesday.
Would it be a discussion about how Labour are willing to make the hard but necessary decisions on providing the funding for the future of the NHS?
Scott Reif, a spokesman for the Senate, said that the absence of congestion pricing from their one - house budget «indicated that more discussion was necessary on this issue.»
Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R - Suffolk) promised to «engage in whatever discussions are necessary» on ethics but opposed two key measures favored by Democrats and good government groups — public financing of election campaigns and bans on lawmakers» outside income.
It has become necessary for me to end the day's write - ups with this piece because of a discussion I had with one of my trusted political godfathers concerning the just ended accounting to the people tour by President Mahama.It is important we critically look at the person Mahama as we move on because of the sensitive position he occupies.I was also moved by comments his colleagues made about him in Kigali confirming that natural accolade that Ghana is the torch bearer when it comes to African civilization.
«The vehicles will be moved there as soon as possible, they will make the necessary assessment and I believe the on - going discussions with our American partners, the spear parts should be made available and they will be repaired.»
If a working - class party is to play the pivotal role necessary to winning universal health care, there must be a wider assessment of current political weaknesses on the left, and concrete discussions of how to leverage the potential strength of both unionized and nonunionized workers to win real health care reform.
Perhaps a more expansive discussion of the topic on the part of lawmakers is necessary.
In the midst of a recent discussion on possible chocolate droughts, it's necessary to know where chocolate is grown and who is predicting a drought.
He said he could search without being a member and that the only reason was to check if I was still on (which he knew my profile which we met through was gone)... sounds like a BS excuse to me and I think he was looking for someone else, NOT me... He said I was a hypocrite and when I explained that I'd forgotten about that profile (old pictures, not logged on in the last 30 days, which was very apparent) he said he needs to «think about it» for a couple of days... I said fine, think about it and if you want to revisit this discussion contact me, but I will not contact you first... If your decision is to break it off, no further action is necessary and I will not contact you either... that was yesterday..
The necessary discussion can not be held unless the real alternatives are on the table.
The Women's Revolt: Why Now, and Where To (The Harvard Gazette) Making Caring Common's Rick Weissbourd discusses their report on sexual assault and misogyny, and what is necessary to engage young people in discussions for meaningful change.
As background prep we did an exercise on the state of germany in 1871 after unification, then had a discussion of what type of constitution would be necessary, thinking about key areas of policy such as the economy, control of the military, social measures (education / health), etc and deciding whether these should be under national or regional control.
It will be necessary to understand whether the relevant LPA involved will accept non-education uses on the site, therefore pre-application discussions will be important.
Besides being the first Emirati woman to co-chair an event at the economic forum, Sheikha Bodour took part in a panel discussion on the second day titled «The Youth Imperative: What Shifts Are Necessary to equip the region's youth for a future of peace and prosperity?
The following principles are drawn from the report of the Expert Panel on Assessment of the Forum on Educational Accountability and represent a launching point from which conference discussions on what is necessary to construct high - quality assessment and accountability systems may begin.
Turning to a discussion thread that seemed to be more procedurally oriented on the surface, participants in the discussion Is Video Necessary in the Classroom?
I can spend a lot of time quoting figures on eBook and print sales (and analysing how efficacious they are, given the erratic quality of published numbers), but it isn't necessary for this discussion.
Many of the readers and participants in the discussion were reluctant to join on video, or in many cases, lacked the necessary enabled equipment to participate on camera, all of the fans were able to type questions to the author using the video chat feature.
A.Members have several ways they can ask questions including live on the webinar (having a microphone is necessary), members can ask questions and network with other traders inside the Power Trades University Discussion forums
The Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) will not stand in the way of financial advisors and member dealer firms who want to sell exchange - traded funds (ETFs)-- so long as they meet the requirements necessary to do so, according to senior members of the MFDA who spoke during a panel discussion at the Federation of Mutual Fund Dealers» annual conference in Toronto on Tuesday.
We all agree on the benefits of using clicker training principles (regardless of if you use a clicker, verbal marker, whistle, etc.) for marking wanted behaviors, however where the discussions come in is when signals are used to mark the moment that the dog failed to perform or missed, some dog trainers tend to use signals to inform their dogs that they have failed, still others say that these such signals are not necessary or even that they produce unnecessary stress, etc..
While necessary discussions were had, this was also a shame, because it sucked most of the attention from the truly staggering range of work on view by contemporary artists.
So your additional information on «total absorbed solar radiation» is interesting, but not necessary to the discussion?
One leading scientist recently argued that a discussion of evolution is necessary because a politician who doesn't believe in evolution won't heed scientists on any other issue either, but this is demonstrably untrue.
So what I'm going to be doing over the next several weeks, next several months, is having a conversation, a wide - ranging conversation with scientists, engineers and elected officials to find out what can — what more can we do to make short - term progress in reducing carbons, and then working through an education process that I think is necessary, a discussion, the conversation across the country about, you know, what realistically can we do long term to make sure that this is not something we're passing on to future generations that's going to be very expensive and very painful to deal with.
I was happy to see Mr. Obama describe «an education process that I think is necessary, a discussion, the conversation across the country about, you know, what realistically can we do long term to make sure that this is not something we're passing on to future generations that's going to be very expensive and very painful to deal with.»
It seems to me the ecological challenges presented to the human community in these early years of Century XXI are necessary matters for discussion; however, our failure to acknowledge in open discussion «the human population factor» as a primary, driving force, one that is precipitating the ecological challenges visible on the far horizon, is making our best efforts insufficient.
Before any rational discussion of the economic or scientific merits of President Obama's Clean Power Plan, to be finalized on Monday, can begin, it is necessary to take his...
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