Sentences with phrase «necessary fuel for your body»

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Fat adaptation involves sharp carbohydrate restriction in conjunction with a complementing increase in fat consumption (with many of those fats being saturated fats) to induce the physiological shift necessary for the body to «switch» to burning «fat as fuel» at much higher rates.
- Chapter 11: 40 Easy Meals For Busy Athletes: How To Fuel Your Body With The Thousands Of Calories Necessary For Endurance and Extreme Exercise, Without Completely Destroying Your Metabolism.
Below, I have 40 meals that I've designed for you to fuel your body with nutrient rich foods that are simple to prepare, but that also provide the density and digestibility necessary to fuel an active lifestyle.
I've already hinted that you need carbs in your bulking diet to give you all the energy you need to be able to function normally as well as having the necessary fuel to workout and for your body to grow and expand.
Food acts as a fuel for your body, supplying it with the necessary items like vitamins, proteins and minerals to run efficiently.
Contrary to the popular belief that a constant intake of carbs are necessary for healthy brain and nervous system function, our body, via the liver, makes both glucose (gluconeogenesis) and ketone bodies (ketosis) in ample amounts (under the right conditions) to fuel most of the athlete's brain & nervous system needs under all but racing or long brick training conditions.
It is necessary to provide the body with high - quality nutrients to prevent any further breakdown and provide fuel for the day ahead.
When you have low glycogen and blood sugar levels, like you do when you wake in the morning after a night of fasting, you cause your body to up - regulate the enzymes necessary to burn fatty acids for fuel.
Fleas from this colony will infest the pet for feeding purposes — to supply the necessary fuel to produce the large quantity of eggs that a female flea can generate (over twice her body weight per day).
They are rich in complex carbohydrates that can provide the energy necessary for your skinny bunny to fuel their body while it grows and repairs, and they also provide moderate amounts of both fiber and protein.
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