Sentences with phrase «necessary functions»

Getting stronger is not necessary a function of gaining muscle.
Basic Job Description: Lab Technician performs necessary functions to run a lab successfully — His / Her role includes analyzing and recording chemical reactions and preparing results accordingly.
In this sense, inflammation is a healthy and necessary function for healing.
I would have said that it comes with necessary functions in term of connectivity, and that would have been true because these days 4G LTE support is as necessary as any other feature on a smartphone.
These are all necessary functions and I would definitely not say these lawyers are overpaid.
At the Lottie's facility, about fourteen workers sat around tables performing various necessary functions: cleaning bonney peppers, chopping onions, mixing herbs and spices, and applying labels to bottles of the finished products.
The circulatory system of vertebrates has various necessary functions throughout embryonic and adult life.
The brain prioritizes survival over ovulation and menstrual cycles every time, so if the brain senses that there is not enough protein or fat, or other nutrients to do basic bodily functions, it will funnel what its got into necessary functions and usually menstruation and fertility suffer.
[3] I had some initial difficulty in running the authors» Matlab code, as a result of only having access to an old Matlab version that lacked necessary functions, but I was able to adapt an open source version of the Matlab PLS regression module and to replicate the paper's key results.
Refined organizational structure to consolidate, streamline and delineate necessary functions.
Operates the pharmacy software in order to obtain patient and drug information, process prescriptions, and perform other necessary functions on the system in accordance with the company policies and state and federal regulations.
Visionaries are generally expected to plot paths to better worlds, yet some might think that their frequent dishonesty, arrogance and narcissism are necessary functions of the role.
RIM has the same app challenges as HP, but its tablet still doesn't have some basic, necessary functions, such as standalone email.
That's a necessary function, since asking such questions is to the benefit of everyone, but the ironic downside of it is that the questions themselves can often shape expectations.
I Done This provided an opportunity for Envoy employees to take initiative in the early days — a necessary function of any fast - growing startup.
Our knowledge disciplines are just beginning to recognize and incorporate deconstruction as a necessary function of knowledge development.
No necessary function in the life of the church is foreign to him or beneath him, under special circumstances.
Provision for economic security is a necessary function of modern government, but it is not government's chief end and should be kept within careful limits.
First, the complex and often widely scattered Christian communities were so busy and joyful in performing the necessary functions of ministry that they handled the structural aspects informally, without constitution and bylaws — giving some status depending on the extent of the contribution but not regularizing this.
For if a necessary function is only necessary, then it is possible, indeed it is even in a way noble, to defy nature.
As Yenor argues, the goods of family can never be grasped either from a standpoint that reduces all goods to personal satisfactions, nor from one that sees marriage and family as «social institutions» performing a necessary function.
Is it not then a necessary function of interpretation to set the interpreted part back into the whole again in order that the whole may better be understood?
Pastoral counseling is thus an essential part of total pastoral care and fulfills a necessary function in the total work of the pastor.
Plus, because the blend contains sugar it works great in baking, providing all the necessary functions (like rise, browning, texture and moistness).
Inflammation exists within us all and is an extremely powerful, necessary function for our survival.
Packaging Digest has been the voice of the packaging community since 1963, offering packaging professionals «peer - to - peer» insights with real - world case histories that share experiences, advice and successes, enabling «cross fertilization» of ideas and technologies across all markets where packaging is a necessary function.
A «cookie» is a tiny text file that we store on your computer to customize your experience and support some necessary functions.
«We don't believe that dark money is a necessary function of the modern mayoralty.»
In a statement, Common Cause said they do not «accept that dark money is a necessary function of the modern mayoralty.»
These findings support the idea that N2 and REM sleep favor cerebral plasticity and active memory consolidation, while N3 sleep seems to fulfill the necessary function of unloading memories that would otherwise accumulate day after day.
While sweating is a necessary function of the body, excessive sweating can affect a person's quality of life negatively.
BMR or RMR is the amount of energy utilized when our body is in complete rest, to perform the necessary functions of maintenance of the heart rate, breathing, and state of consciousness.
Your body requires 20 amino acids to perform all it's necessary functions.
Not only would whey prove as an excellent source of BCAAs and complete protein for the necessary functions in the body but also help in the production of reproductive hormones and boosting fertility.
Lean body mass declines with age and critical illness, significantly compromising the body's ability to carry out all the necessary functions of protein.
For a probiotic to perform its necessary function, it must naturally survive the stomach's harsh environment and arrive to the intestines alive.
-LRB-... Which means your body will be fed the nutritional - fuel it needs to perform its necessary functions and produce healthy new cells!)
Acupuncturist & Chiropractor, Dr. Allison Heffron explains why sleep is a necessary function in life and how acupuncture can help you get better sleep.
All necessary functions and features can be found easily and you will hardy have bad time with this amazing dating service.
We offer «peer - to - peer» insights that share experiences, advice & successes, enabling «cross fertilization» of ideas & technologies across all markets where packaging is a necessary function.
Keeping tabs on users might sound like a bad thing but in reality, it's a necessary function of any modern business and a way to organize data to produce solid courses.
Keeping tabs on users might sound like a bad thing but in reality, it's a necessary function of any modern...
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