Sentences with phrase «necessary interventions for»

Prepare and maintain production reports and schedule any necessary interventions for improvement.
By treating multiple groups of students as one entity, the unique needs of and necessary interventions for these groups is stripped away.
«Each grade has a team of teachers who meet for an hour every day to discuss test data, necessary interventions for students, and curriculum issues.
The authors specifically recommend hip extension stretching as a necessary intervention for fall prevention.

Not exact matches

Each intervention is justified as necessary for nurturing a new competitor and lowering wireless prices.
For example, in a multi-center system such as a coalition chain, upgrading the blockchain bottom by shutting down the system, or emergency intervention, rolling back data, etc., are available means when necessary, and these methods help to control risks and correct mistakes.»
To minimize this danger, it has been necessary for the FED to defend the US dollar and outright intervention from the US Treasury in the currency markets may be necessary.
How many Catholics realize that Pope Pius XII's 1950 encyclical, Humani generis, indicates that duscussion of biological evolution is compatible with Christian faith (# 36)-- as long as God's intervention is recognized as necessary for creating the human soul.
There are way too many people of faith just sitting around waiting for god's intervention rather that taking necessary action on their own.
According to Ralph McGhee, who worked with the agency for more than twenty - five years: «where the necessary circumstances or proofs are lacking to support U.S. intervention; the CIA creates the appropriate situations, or else invents them.
On the contrary, it is to commit oneself to study it as profoundly as possible so as to discover for oneself and to show others the meaning of an intervention judged necessary by the Holy Father.»
Despite being co-opted and misrepresented by apologists for the corporate market system, Smith said that government intervention is sometimes necessary: «especially when the object is to reduce poverty... When the regulation, therefore, is in support of the workman, it is always just and equitable; but it is sometimes otherwise when in favour of the masters.»
5 CSR 50 - 350.030 (1999) also calls for the department of elementary and secondary education to identify and, if necessary, adopt a program regarding violence prevention that provides training for school district employees in violence prevention and early identification of and intervention in violent behavior.
We believe in the physiologic model of care, which is client - centered, respects birth as a normal life event, care is individualized and interventions only used when necessary, time charts are irrelevant, and clients are respected as autonomous and the best people to make decisions for themselves and their baby.
I have some high risk issues (crohns and a non thrombophyilia related dvt, maternal age) that might make it less likely hospital staff will listen to my wish for no interventions unless medically necessary to prevent infant death during labor and delivery.
Not what I had wanted originally but necessary — and as Gowri says, sometimes intervention is necessary; it was for me.
A baby who died for the lack of a necessary intervention.
During the second consultation, a unique sleep plan for your child will be proposed and detailed, with advice on how best to start the programme and likely reactions and interventions necessary to implement the programme.
I realize they're trying to push a «natural» birth but sometimes interventions are necessary and I don't think mothers should ever feel guilty for getting their child out safe and healthy.
Somehow, perhaps through divine intervention, one day someone decided that infant and child seats were necessary for all children traveling in any motorized vehicle.
Rather, they are checked periodically, which reduces the opportunity for early intervention if necessary.
I'm going to stick to my guns and tell them I'm going to try for natural labour and delivery (of course f needed I will take any intervention necessary!)
It is acknowledged that hospitals tend to be optimised for high - risk women — with technology and staffing for close monitoring and quick access to interventions, and for low - risk women — staff monitor and tend to intervene more than is necessary [33].
The primary goal of parent support programs is to provide support and information in ways that help parents become more capable and competent.2, 3 Research now indicates that to reach this goal, it is necessary that staff use practices that are family - centered as opposed to professionally - centered, and capacity - building as opposed to dependency forming.4, 5,6,7 The key characteristics of family - centered practices include: treating families with dignity and respect; providing individual, flexible and responsive support; sharing information so families can make informed decisions; ensuring family choice regarding intervention options; and providing the necessary resources and supports for parents to care for their children in ways that produce optimal parent and child outcomes.8, 9,10,11
Of course medical intervention is necessary for some women.
For this reason I would like to avoid interventions such as internal monitoring and epidural / spinal anesthesia unless absolutely necessary and would like to maintain freedom to move around as I wish as much as possible as I have a fear of feeling «restrained».
Although you probably would prefer to help your teen at home, removing him from his home environment is sometimes necessary in order for him to become receptive to intervention.
For healthy women who go into labor on their own, the WHO maintains no interventions are necessary as long as the mother and baby are stable.
Mr Darling said the continued intervention was necessary to give the bank «breathing space», as shareholders hold out for a private buyer.
Officials of NAFDAC also rendered necessary support for the intervention.
In a further move, the criminal justice and immigration bill, which is expected to receive royal assent today, introduces annual statutory reviews of serious Asbos on all those under 18 to pave the way for other interventions if necessary.
The home secretary, Theresa May, was thought to have recently reluctantly swung behind the retention of control orders as a necessary evil despite repeated interventions by Nick Clegg, whose Lib Dem manifesto clearly called for them to be scrapped.
They are part of the government's Channel process, which directs when interventions are necessary for people deemed to be on the brink of violence.
«Ultimately, hospital policies and interventions to reduce [thirdhand smoke] transport and exposure may prove necessary, especially for immunocompromised children,» they suggest.
«Getting health care providers to pay for home - based interventions is going to be necessary if we want to make a dent in the asthma problem,» said Patrick Breysse, a former Hopkins official, who as director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the country's top public health officials.
«Further investigation of the reasons for racial and ethnic differences, particularly on a national level, is necessary to identify interventions that may help reduce disparities in pediatric liver transplantation.»
The findings show that recent catastrophic coral bleaching events do not necessary signal imminent coral demise and can also inform reef management strategies, suggesting that interventions that help reshuffle coral genetic diversity among reefs will likely increase the coral's odds for survival in the near future.
Establishing the role of cigarette smoke in progression of cancer will not only produce the necessary evidence for implementing smoking cessation interventions but may also help to identify cellular mechanisms for therapeutic targeting.
«However,» he commented, «results from rigorously controlled collaborative studies like this one provide the necessary evidence to support the usage of interventions in persons with SCI and provide the foundation for clinical guidelines in this population.»
Look for someone who is knowledgeable about the thyroid and open to lifestyle interventions alongside necessary medications if they're needed.
Ires was always honest and realistic, noting that medical interventions might indeed be necessary at some point - in any birth - but that she could be there for me & for my husband to support us in our preferences.
This allows me to provide small group intervention sessions if necessary for the skills that the students struggle with.
Our plans for implementing the proposed initiative will include the following activities: (1) continuing to build their evidence base to understand for whom their intervention works best and least, and in what contexts; (2) refining their program model with a sharp focus on producing the materials that will be needed to achieve successful replication at scale; (3) solidifying the commitment of the selected scaling champions (i.e., the person who will drive the continuing development of the intervention and its implementation at scale); and (4) building the infrastructure necessary to support effective scaling, including the development of a business plan and training support structure, along with the successful navigation of intellectual property issues.
Designed to provide the support necessary for Urban Prep graduates to successfully enroll in college and bolster their efforts to make steady progress toward attaining a degree, the program offers aggressive interventions by three full - time, dedicated staff members to help our alumni persist in school.
Provide the necessary resources to schools to implement assessments and provide interventions for students to meet the appropriate academic benchmarks.
To others, the intervention of the government is a positive good, protecting children from potentially dangerous values of the their parents and assuring allegiance to a common set of ideals necessary for our society to function.
Our look at Response to Interventions (RTI), a structure for identifying struggling students, defining their needs, developing strategies for them, and assessing how those accommodations are working — and adjusting them as necessary.
This 3 - D School provides comprehensive dyslexia therapy services by identifying children with the characteristics of dyslexia and providing an educational environment designed to include appropriate, multi-sensory, research - based interventions, academic enrichment, and positive experiences that challenge students and build the necessary skills for success later in life.
This specialty school provides comprehensive dyslexia therapy services by identifying children with the characteristics of dyslexia and providing an educational environment designed to include appropriate, multi-sensory research - based intervention, academic enrichment, and positive experiences that challenge students and build the necessary skills for success later in life.
Early interventions to help low - achieving students improve their reading and writing skills establish the necessary foundation for effective learning in all other subjects.
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