Sentences with phrase «necessary living expenses»

Child maintenance aids in covering necessary living expenses for the child and is ordered by the courts after review is conducted of each parent's individual income earnings.
Ideally, an emergency fund should support three to six months worth of necessary living expenses.
A: Child support covers food, shelter, clothes, and other necessary living expense of the children.
Keep in mind your priority debt payments as well as necessary living expenses.
What my husband and I spend every month is a lot different than our actual necessary living expenses.
Ideally, you want enough in cash reserves to cover necessary living expenses for at least 3 - 6 months.
[xii] This test can be contrasted with the totality of the circumstances test adopted by the Eighth Circuit in Long v. Educational Credit Management Corp. (In re Long), [xiii] in which the court considers (1) the debtors economic resources, (2) reasonable necessary living expenses of the debtor, and (3) any other relevant circumstances.
But it also subtracts necessary living expenses, such as shelter, food, and clothing.
For example, if you make $ 2,000 each month after taxes, and $ 1,500 of this is used for necessary living expenses, you would have $ 500 in disposable income that could be used to pay your monthly payment during your case.
The amount for payback is based on how much they can afford after necessary living expenses are deducted from their income.
Have enough disposable income to make regular payments after covering current necessary living expenses
However, Virginia has codified the common - law doctrine of necessaries, which made a husband liable for his wife's necessary living expenses such as shelter, food and medical care.
Additional Living Expenses: This term refers to the reimbursement of the insured's food costs, short term housing costs and other necessary living expenses when the insured's home or rented living space is damaged and uninhabitable.
It might seem counterintuitive, but before you even think about tackling any debt, make sure you have some money socked away to cover necessary living expenses in case of an emergency.
Also known as disposable income, discretionary income is the amount of money you have left over after you pay your mortgage or lease, your car loan, taxes, bills and other necessary living expenses.
Credit cards can help in a crunch, but it's best to have savings that equal at least 2 - 3 months of your necessary living expenses.
Your disposable income is the portion of your take - home pay that is left over after you cover all necessary living expenses.
You may be able to keep wages earned before filing and received after filing if you can prove that you need the money for reasonable and necessary living expenses.
Credit cards can help in a crunch, but it's best to have savings that equal at least 2 - 3 months of your necessary living expenses.
In other words, the policy covers, up to the policy limit, necessary living expenses that you incur in order to continue your life in a way that is as near as possible to your normal standard of living.
Calculate your necessary living expenses against your retirement portfolio to ensure that you will have enough savings to live comfortably.
For some people, they just do not have any money left at the end of the month to pay toward debts after they pay their necessary living expenses.
If it's not a necessary living expense, consider cutting back temporarily.
Instead, the Totality of the Circumstances test looks at the past, present and potential future financial resources of the borrower, the debtor's necessary living expenses, and any other facts that are relevant to the bankruptcy case.
The Guidelines, correspondingly, are not directly influenced by a parent's actual living expenses or their debts; although a parent's necessary living expenses were allegedly taken into consideration when the drafters of the Guidelines set limits on the basic support amounts included in the Guidelines.
At minimum, your disability income insurance should cover your necessary living expenses.
In other words, the policy covers, up to the policy limit, necessary living expenses that you incur in order to continue your life in a way that is as near as possible to your normal standard of living.
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