Sentences with phrase «necessary oxygen»

That is right, with a direct vent heater, the vent stack provides the heater with necessary oxygen.
These delays often cause the baby to go without necessary oxygen and suffer brain damage.
Inhaled oxygen increases the availability of necessary oxygen to your lungs and blood and helps with breathing.
In addition to getting necessary oxygen through her nose during feedings, it's important for your baby never to get over-heated, which may lead to heat rash or elevated body temperature.
More severe cases of TBI require emergency care that involves providing the victim with necessary oxygen and blood, stabilizing blood pressure, and preventing further, secondary injury.
While forceps can help facilitate the process of delivery and reduce the risk of a baby going without necessary oxygen, they can also be very dangerous if used improperly.
The wet chemistry analyzer on Phoenix had detected perchlorate in two soil samples, while two «bake tests» had yielded the necessary oxygen but not the chlorine that some kinds of perchlorate would release.
The PNNL team is working to develop a membrane to block the water and still allow the necessary oxygen to flow
Clentrimix Elite Series functions it will protect your nervous system and will help your body get the necessary oxygen to guarantee a great workout.
These habits dehydrate the body and deprive them of the necessary oxygen that can help the body produce healthy tissue.
Antiangiongenic drugs work by depriving the cancerous tumors of the necessary oxygen and blood supply that allows the tumors to grow.
If the child is not getting the necessary oxygen to support the baby's organs, then delivery has to happen quickly.
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