Sentences with phrase «necessary powers of»

Public legal education resources can help us understand the balance between the necessary powers of the police and the necessary rights of citizens.
Since the Christian's ultimate loyalty is to God and not the state in its demand for obedience to the law, the Christian always tempers his loyalty with insistences on justice with love that calls for an equality and liberty that holds the state's necessary powers of coercion under restraint and accountability to God.

Not exact matches

That would give the phone the necessary power for its heat - creating components to keep working without risking that the phone runs out of juice.
And because there is a lack of machinery and an inconsistent power supply, which is necessary for refrigeration, few if any finished products are actually produced in the country.
Part of the plan included building a massive battery to store renewable energy and provide «back - up power» as and when necessary.
Watch House of Cards (speaking of creeps...) or any old episode of Behind the Music, and the story about power you'll see is simple: a nice, ambitious person, once they can do whatever they want, is quickly transformed into a monster of appetite, running over anyone necessary to satisfy their newly created desires.
IoT devices like lightbulbs, she explained, also don't come packed with the type of computing power necessary to help criminals carry out their hacks.
The natural gas plants are necessary partly because of expected load growth, partly because of the intermittent nature of solar power and partly because of the planned retirement of around 3,000 megawatts of generation powered by less efficient coal and oil plants, he said.
Power comes from preparation and planning, instead of trying to overcome other people Do all necessary research, think of possible outcomes, rehearse what you will say and set goals.
While constructive feedback is necessary to employee growth and improvement, don't underestimate the power of positive feedback.
Some of what Fernandes wanted to accomplish wasn't feasible: the necessary processing power and communications bandwidth either didn't exist or was prohibitively expensive.
But with Next going nowhere, Jobs knew that his star power was necessary to make the requisite impression to this pair of local scribes.
After showing various residents assisted by the availability of batteries — from powering a radio to keep up with restoration progress to providing necessary medical treatments — the spot shifts its focus to Duracell's response.
Proponents of the increase in block size argued that the increase in technology over time would mitigate these necessary increases in computing power and network capabilities of those who wished to run a full node.
Dealerships that sell a wide variety of brands, mostly gas - powered, would have little incentive to take the time necessary to sell something as unusual as a Tesla, said James Chen, vice president of regulatory affairs for Tesla.
There are a number of competing solar cell technologies (c - Si, perovskite, CIGS, etc), but currently with 80 tonnes of silver necessary to generate one GW of solar power, should solar really become ubiquitous, a steady and increasing demand driver for silver is in place.
The continued use of the Euro, without adopting the necessary institutions like political union, is simply lunacy and proof of the power of political interest over economic necessity.
However, on matters of governance and shareholder rights, we believe shareholders should have the power to speak and the opportunity to be heard and effect change if necessary.
Given the U.S. veto power by Wall Street and the insistence that right - wing anti-labor ideologues (usually French) be appointed head of the IMF, a new organization representing the kind of economic logic outlined by Keynes, Harold Moulton and others in the 1920s is necessary.
Yet there's no denying the power of social media marketing and how necessary it is to a business in today's online world.
Evangelical Catholicism draws the will, the energy, the strength, and, if necessary, the stubbornness to continue defending and promoting the dignity of the human person from the power of the gospel.
However much this move might cost in terms of philosophical clarity, it could be defended either as an accommodation to the power of the established church (in England) or to the necessary of popular enlightenment (in America).
It was an inevitable but not necessary manifestation of what we can call Niebuhr's collective epistemology: Groups have power but they lack a moral center.
It is this assurance of divine liberating power that makes unnecessary the impatient employment of such human devices as ideology, which are generally felt to be necessary where power is urgently needed and divine power is not hoped for.
they will regard their deficit of power as good and as necessary for their highest good» (RLC 209).
However, our discussion and defense of Plantinga has shown that, when worked out coherently, the classical theist must affirm a notion of omnipotence practically identical to that of the process theist — i.e., our discussion demonstrates that the classical theist must, like the process theist, acknowledge that human freedom places necessary limits upon God's power in both the moral and natural realms.
To promote the common good, society must use government's powers of taxation to ensure that every child has access to the necessary funds for an excellent education.
I am persuaded that nothing short of a thoroughly biblical faith can provide the theoretical base and the staying power necessary to endure the discouragements and the agony of the impending struggle for justice.
The power is Christ's alone, but the co-operative ministry of the Church is a realand necessary condition of divine communication and communion.
At the beginning of this article, I quoted Polanyi's belief that it is necessary to return to St Augustine «to restore the balance of our cognitive powers
Finally, by making it necessary that elections be conducted as contests of like against like (female against female, minority against minority, etc.) the system extended vast powers to the nominating process and enabled those in power to recruit just those board members most likely to agree with their purposes and keep them in power.
Indeed, necessary political conditions for a deflation, for a brutal deregulation, for the climbing of the unemployment and for privatisations have been provided by the existence of executives concentrating on enormous power.
The culture of consumerism and the chase for material symbols of wealth and security have sometimes come to be dominant; the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment in many has slowly begun to degenerate into empty and sterile ritualism; the legitimate thirst for education has often become perverted into an obsessive drive to acquire with the greatest speed the formal diplomas necessary to gain entry to jobs offering the easiest opportunities to make the quickest rupees; political statesmanship in some areas has begun to depreciate into an opportunities race for power and position; the spirit of SEVA (Service) to the nation has intermittently begun to be suffocated in many, by the abuse of discretions, sometimes mediated by a bloated bureaucracy itself enmeshed in a vast network of multiplying paper and self - proliferating regulations; menacingly many good and decent people even in public life, have come to be corroded by a culture of demanding corruption; and some potentially creative lawyers, have begun to take perverted pride in mere «cleverness», rendering themselves vulnerable to the prejudice that they are a parasitic obstruction in the pursuit of substantive justice.
A strategy of transformation in terms of gaining and using political power is as necessary as the emergence of a creative minority of utopian dreamers.
all these are regarded as utopian fantasies, yet they are biologically necessary; and if we would see them made flesh in the world what more need we do than imagine our power to love growing and broadening till it can embrace the totality of men and of the earth?
Peter and Paul in 2010, Pope Benedict stated that PopeJohn Paul represented the Church's missionary nature not only with his apostolic journeys, but also «with the insistence of his Magisterium on the urgent need for a «new evangelisation»: «new» not in its content but in its inner thrust, open to the grace of the Holy Spirit which constitutes the force of the new law of the Gospel that always renews the Church; «new» in ways that correspond with the power of the Holy Spirit and which are suited to the times and situations; «new» because of being necessary even in countries that have already received the proclamation of the Gospel.»
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation — We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Central to almost every religious tradition is the belief that the first humans were androgynes, beings possessed of such strength and power that the gods found it necessary to split them in half in order to preserve their own divine supremacy.
Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men unexcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation.
Vulnerability can be a necessary step toward a deeper relationship with a friend or loved one, or a crucial part of repentance, but it will always lack the saving power Christ's vulnerability has already won for us.
For them, such healing is the necessary and decisive proof of the revolutionary power of Christianity to transform human experience as a whole.
Since public opinion, or world opinion, or the opinion of governments in general has become a powerful factor in the situation, and since the West must depend very much on capturing the opinion and the sympathy of what might be called the uncommitted powers, our future is going to depend on the kind of internationalism which does not attempt to freeze the existing situation in a legalistic manner but takes the lead in predicting and preparing the necessary changes in the status quo.
Because the information and entertainment industries serve to consolidate those same structures, in which the voice of the people is not listened to and is often silenced, in which we have to demystify media power, and in which it is necessary to work with the whole community to create structures that allow the right to communication to be expressed in all its fullness.
It follows that Brexit must be delayed or defeated at all costs, through litigation or the action of an unelected House of Lords if necessary, and that the Trump administration must be cast as a temporary anomaly, brought to power by voters whose minds were clouded by racism and economic pain.
Such distinctions are necessary — not only because to call upon the state to love» is self - contradictory, insofar as the state's actions are rooted in power and not voluntarism, but because the claims of love are rooted in sectarian acknowledgment as opposed to universal norms of justice.
My contention is that this places Ivan's sensibility much nearer to the authentic vision of the New Testament than are many of the more pious and conventional forms of Christian conviction today The gospel of the ancient church was always one of rebellion against those principalities and powers — death chief among them — that enslave and torment creation; nowhere does the New Testament rationalize evil or accord it necessity or treat it as part of the necessary fabric of God's world.
Though both the conception of human liberty and the virtues necessary to its true exercise sprang from biblical teachings, the framers were careful not to endow biblical religion, or any religion, with state power.
Thus, insofar as Hartshorne conceives that freedom, power, and creativity are necessary aspects of all existence, neoclassical thought can be received as a metaphysical foundation for the philosophy of black power.
An open world abroad» guaranteed where necessary by the threat or actual use of American power» has been perceived by generations of American statesmen as essential to domestic prosperity and national security.
Any specification of the responsibilities that accompany our basic rights, any articulation of the content of the «laws of nature,» any acknowledgement that the Church might be necessary for the state to judge and fulfill its obligations to the «power in heaven,» or any specification of the meaning of «nature and nature's God» — though article 1, sec. 8 of the Constitution may provide a clue when it empowers Congress «to promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts.»
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