Sentences with phrase «necessary property»

They also focused their mortgage lending on small, ugly, economically necessary properties, and not large trophy properties.
The Bankruptcy Code allows debtors to claim certain necessary property as off - limits from creditors and the trustee.
If they're with a client at a property, it's easy to pull up necessary property information or show comparable options using virtual tours or street - view maps, right from a smartphone or tablet.
A small business loan obtained by a startup is often used to buy any necessary property, buildings, equipment, or inventory to put the business owner's dream into action.
· Act — New Rochelle & Horton Winthrop - Heritage Homes: An ACT authorizing Westchester County to enter into an agreement with the City of New Rochelle and Horton Winthrop, LLC or its designee for infrastructure improvements in support of a fair and affordable housing development known as Heritage Homes located in the City, and to accept a grant at no cost to the County of all necessary property rights
The suit alleges that Onondaga County violated Not - for - Profit Corporations Law through the sale of necessary property and that the county legislature exceeded their authority by abolishing Van Duyn's work force in the county budget, which essentially eliminates the county department of Long Term Care Services, established under county charter.
Extending the water mains and connecting them to the necessary properties will cost an estimated $ 23.6 million, Ms. Wolffsohn said.
Materials scientists still need to find an antiferromagnetic material with the necessary properties to form skyrmions, Kläui says.
Integrated computational materials engineering is a field of science that develops computational models so scientists can understand materials at these various scales, allowing them to tailor and optimize custom - designed microstructures with the necessary properties for the functions they are destined for.
Manganese is a micronutrient that the body's cells can handle and forms a very stable complex with the porphyrin, a type of pigment molecule that can help to achieve the necessary properties.
New research, published in the journal Scientific Reports, demonstrates that by growing nanomaterials, specifically carbon nanotubes, on the surface of the carbon fibres it is possible to impart these necessary properties.
They simply don't have the necessary properties to produce more efficient catalysts or solar cells that create, store, and use energy on a massive scale.
Another of the researchers, V.N. Tsytovich, said that the clusters have «all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter» [source: Science Daily].
The most common legal steps that newly divorced individuals need to do include changing names officially, preparing for a restraining order, requesting enforcement of the divorce decree, establishing a garnishment, and retitling all necessary property.
Of course, most of the time, a written form is not a necessary property of contracts (a fact responsible for much litigation).
It's supported by essentially all Android devices, has all the necessary properties to stream DRM - protect content, and typically just works.
We also take care of any necessary property repairs, so you can avoid spending your time and money on that, and focus on getting your finances back on track.
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