Sentences with phrase «necessary reality within»

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In any case, in the following paragraphs I will first analyze Whitehead's remarks in Process and Reality on societies as the necessary environment for the ongoing emergence of actual occasions and then show how this analysis throws unexpected light on Whitehead's further explanation of the hierarchy of societies within the current world order, in particular, the difference between inorganic and organic societies, and, among organic societies, those with a «soul» or «living person» and those without such a central organ of control.
In order to sort these issues out, it will be necessary for me to show how the three conceptions can be found within Process and Reality.
And this means, if we are not to regard the world as having become suddenly meaningless and contradictory, that we are entitled to attribute the value of experimental and physical reality to everything, within us and around us, which shows itself to be a necessary condition for the preservation and heightening in Man of his powers of invention and purposive thinking.
The details within these elements will no doubt be elaborated according to the particular theological and practical emphases of each denomination or tradition, though firm consideration of each element is considered necessary if religious television is to take seriously the realities of television communication and the lessons of the past.
But it does lie within our capacity at least to challenge the dogmas of scientific materialism that rule out any point of contact between our myths of hope and the apparently unsympathetic world of nature that is often presented to us as the necessary consequent of a scientific approach to reality.
If the miners bring in necessary software updates, then the block size increase will be a reality within November.
Your correct reasoning also sheds light on the reality that most Realtors can not be trusted to equitably / ethically conduct dual agency, because on any given day most Realtors are failures - in - waiting for whom the necessary qualities needed for success as laid bare within your editorial do not exist, but most important... they desperately need that double commission.
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