Sentences with phrase «necessary tasks as»

As indicated in the enclosed resume, I possess strong skills to perform necessary tasks as a Phlebotomist:
Dealing with investigation of the accident, including such necessary tasks as securing your vehicle, securing witness statements, checking driving records, taking pictures of injured parties and accident scenes
They'll tackle such necessary tasks as

Not exact matches

When businesses post jobs on the platform, Toptal identifies available developers proficient in the software languages necessary to handle the task at hand, then contacts the client to learn more about the job and the company as a whole before interviewing programmer candidates to make sure their skills and personalities are properly attuned.
But as Johnston noted, the changing character of business structures and the marketplace are making it increasingly necessary for business owners and executives to pay greater attention to the human resource aspects of operation: «Tasks that were once neatly slotted into well - defined and narrow job descriptions have given way to broad job descriptions or role definitions.
If your willpower feels drained, think of the task at hand as a necessary stepping stone to help you achieve your goals.
At my company, Retention Science, I ask team members to submit their dates for time off, but only so managers can redistribute tasks as necessary before each person leaves.
It should include specific tasks to be accomplished — say, for a Web developer, creating a fully functional and easily navigable site, including sales mechanisms and search - engine optimization, as well as educating employees on how to keep up the site if necessary — and under what time frame.
With the recognition that estate planning is a cooperative task, the Council started as, and continues to be, a carefully selected group of qualified specialists in their own fields who have the necessary knowledge and experience to accomplish the broad goal of estate planning for the best interest of the client and his or her beneficiaries.
It is a mistake to use the pulpit for what we might describe as didactic purposes, however important and necessary the task of teaching may be in other connections.
Certainly individuals are different than nation states (by this I mean that as individuals our choices are clearer - not that we can not properly discern whether a particular war is or is not necessary - but even then its much much tougher) and matters of war and peace are very much filled with variables men and women as individuals would have an a very difficult task of unwinding to find some acceptable scenario.
Now is the time for evangelicals to declare themselves in a very intentional way for the recovery of intellectual aims that are unapologetically catholic» not as a way of losing their distinctiveness, but as a way of recovering the task that made the separation necessary in the first place: the safeguarding of a truly catholic vision of the world and its redemption.
[1] He acknowledges that a truly historical approach is necessary, but while it only deals with the isolated past as past it «does not exhaust the interpretive task for someone who sees the biblical writings as a single corpus of Holy Scripture inspired by God».
It is necessary to start again, using the presence of fossils or organic matter as a classification criterion in the task of rebuilding our understanding of geological history within the Biblical framework.»
As the reform movements sweeping through Eastern Europe are learning, denunciation of evil and corruption is a necessary first step toward social change, but constructing new institutional arrangements is by far the more arduous task.
Hard just war theory reverses these emphases, replacing them with the following: a presumption against injustice and disorder rather than against war; an assumption that war is tragic but inevitable in a fallen world and that war is a necessary task of government; a tendency to trust the U.S. government and its claims of need for military action; an emphasis on just war theory as a tool to aid policymakers and military personnel in their decisions; an inclination to distrust the efficacy of international treaties and to downplay the value of international actors and perspectives; a less stringent or differently oriented application of some just war criteria; and no sense of common ground with Christian pacifists.
Second, their commitment to Luther's theological concept of the priesthood of all believers (or its equivalent) led them to view catechetical instruction as a way of equipping the laity to take up the ministries that were properly theirs, providing them with the biblical and theological knowledge necessary to this task.
This task is very demanding; and that is why it is so necessary that the preacher be informed, so far as this is possible for him or her, about what has gone on m the past, quite as much as what speaks meaningfully to present - day thought and experience.
The final journal entry lists some «immutable rules» that he hoped would bring order and comfort: «To pray every morning to God, the source of all power and all justice; to my father, to Mariette, and to Poe, as intercessors; that they may give me the necessary strength to fulfill all my appointed tasks
Indeed, many American theologians consider Barthianism as a necessary but frightful detour from the true task of theology.
Recent writers on «situational ethics» and «contextual ethics» seem to have understood this; and we are much indebted to them for taking the first step in a reconception of the meaning of morality, a task which is as important and necessary as the reconception of Christian theology.
Our task is to see to it that such growth as is necessary fulfills legitimate human needs.
Through the long night they cheerfully plied their task, stirring up from the depths the live burning coals, and» basting» and turning the ox as often as was necessary.
The rigorous credentialing process validates that you have all the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to practice as an entry level midwife, as determined by a comprehensive task analysis involving hundreds of midwives encompassing the full range of midwifery from CNMs to apprentice - trained rural midwives.
Sometimes rewards won't be necessary once a child is able to see the task as a manageable one.
Frankel, Alona ONCE UPON A POTTY Harper Collins, 1999 This cute story helps parents to look upon potty training as a delightful new skill to teach their child, rather than as a necessary, yet unpleasant task.
Mr Brown said: «Our task now is nothing less than making the transition through a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global society - not muddling through as pessimists but making the necessary adjustment to a better future and setting the new rules for this new global order.»
To call to order and adjourn regular monthly meetings; in consultation with the Executive Committee, to create new committees, working groups, and task forces of the Board including Standing Committees and to disband such committees as may exist; to appoint, suspend or remove Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Board and to establish and appoint, suspend or remove the Chairs of such special committees as may from time to time be deemed necessary for the best performance of the Board's function
In late January, President Obama announced the creation of a special task force to examine and, as necessary, coordinate federal enforcement efforts regarding rape and sexual assault on our nation's campuses.
The verdict from the UKSA, the official body tasked with ensuring government departments use statistics accurately and honestly, is another rebuff for a project which has been condemned for targeting an extremely rare problem while potentially disenfranchising vulnerable groups such as older people and the homeless, who might not have the necessary ID.
The New York State Law Revision Commission is tasked by Section 72 of the Legislative Law with examining and considering proposed changes in the law, recommending such changes in the law as it deems necessary, and reporting its proceedings annually to the Legislature with proposed bills to carry out any of its recommendations.
To achieve tenure, you need to know why, how, and when to perform the necessary tasks — that is, the process of getting tenure — as well as the politics: whom to approach, when, and how.
Masicampo explains that although having a narrow focus probably will not lead to so obvious a failure in the real world as it did in the laboratory, he thinks being blind to alternative solutions «frequently results in people expending more time, energy and resources on tasks than is necessary
As an altar boy given the task of carrying the thurible filled with burning incense during Catholic services, Duesberg discovered the fun of swinging it faster than necessary, creating plumes of smoke that caused parishioners to cough and choke.
However, nurses are increasingly unable to complete all necessary care tasks — especially as they spend more time on administrative tasks and less on direct patient care.
As he struggled with these bigger questions in life, he concluded that while the search is worthwhile and necessary, the task of finding truth is impossible.
Now a government task force is saying this uncomfortable and invasive procedure may not be necessary, as long as you don't have any symptoms and aren't pregnant.
Logical debaters would point out the hopelessness of the endeavor and suggest that a different, proven approach, such as using a diamond - tipped drill to drill a hole through the beam would be necessary to accomplish the task.
It is a straightforward task to create profile on over 50 dating sites and you can easily put all necessary information as per need.
Lincoln counters that his task is to uphold democracy in the longer term by whatever means necessary and to let the American people stand as judge.
But the branch of filmmaking that looks at the world around us and seeks to convey the truth of what it sees — the earliest task of the medium, ever since the Lumière brothers» employees walked out of the factory at closing time — remained as vital and necessary as ever.
If an additional level of support was required, schools could also explore pro-active remote services which are focussed on freeing up network teams by performing automated or standardised tasks such as system updates and security checks; tasks which are necessary, but often overlooked when network teams are busy firefighting more pressing issues.
This commitment drives them to insist on doing every task well, knowing whether they are on pace to success along the way, and adjusting their plans as necessary.
It is not absolutely necessary to set up notifications or course templates in the app, as the administrator performs these tasks on a PC or laptop anyway.
At the end, pupils have been set a homework research task but you can adapt / delete, as you feel necessary.
Therefore, teachers have to deploy the pedagogy of love as the theoretical principle on which sustain us in this way, we achieve active and participatory education, including all educational stakeholders, representing a necessary task to promote a dynamic and critical thinking, generating new ideas that promote economic and social development, aimed at creating a better future for Peru.
Each lesson has a powerpoint presentation and there are accompanying worksheets, starters and extension tasks as necessary.
Furthermore, as best as possible, make an effort to link training to performance of necessary daily tasks.
Students can watch the screencast as many times as necessary so they don't need you to sit at the computer with them while they complete tasks you assign.
It is also important to ensure that necessary tasks are completed as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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