Sentences with phrase «nectar sources»

Perhaps not surprisingly, the insects were most attracted to odors containing aromatic chemicals, which are present in plants that are common nectar sources.
Though not the showiest of blooms, the plain, greenish - white flowers serve as an important nectar source for butterfly populations.
Their waggle dance, for example, is an elaborate way of telling each other the direction towards the best nectar sources, in relation to the Sun.
buy honey from a local beekeeper and learn about how they harvest, how they treat their bees, etc. different nectar sources provide different honeys with different properties!
Because a habitat may contain related moth species that use the same flowers as nectar sources but different host plants to lay their eggs, the researchers would like to investigate whether odors that provide olfactory cues to identify the best oviposition sites activate similar areas in the antennal lobe of these moths, or whether the functional atlas of the brain is different in each species.
But these row crops do provide a significant nectar source for honeybees, which benefits beekeepers.
The moths were supported in their choice of the best - fitting nectar sources by an innate preference for the scent of matching flowers.
It has long been known that honeybees can differentiate sugar content among nectar sources and convey such information to the colony (e.g. the «waggle dance»).
For example, the very popular Bradford Pear, with all its many flowers, is a very poor nectar source for bees.
Linden appears to be their favorite nectar source and the honey they make from it is about the most popular among humans.
Milkweed is also a great nectar source for other butterflies.
This unique Durham park features milkweed, nectar sources and shelter that help sustain Monarchs throughout their migration.
There are more than 300 kinds of honey in the US, each with a unique color and flavor that is dependent upon the nectar source.
Independent observations confirm that nectar sources are blooming earlier.
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