Sentences with phrase «need culture and community»

Families need culture and community acknowledged in authentic ways.

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As our community in India has grown, I've gained a deeper appreciation for the need to understand India's history and culture.
«I think you still obviously need a balance between Facebook and Instagram to build awareness, community, and to communicate your culture or your ethos or your values,» Velasco says.
Beyond being an incredible song, its chorus became a rallying cry of protesters in the United States — «a kind of comfort that people of color and other oppressed communities desperately need all too often: the hope — the feeling — that despite tensions in this country growing worse and worse, in the long run, we're all gon» be all right,» as Slate culture writer Aisha Harris put it.
«You need a compelling answer that shows you really get what the program is about and how you can benefit the community and culture,» says Blackman.
INNOVATING WITH PURPOSE Talent Track hosted by Cornerstone OnDemand Every business needs to take the long view when it comes to employees — and that means knowing not only what they need on Day One but also what will keep them there: a great culture, as well as opportunities for growth and for making a positive impact on the broader community and world.
Through our mission, vision and values, Bridgestone Americas promotes a business culture that is representative of the unique values, opinions, cultures and needs of our teammates, customers, communities and suppliers.
In light of this, it is not enough for government bodies and policies to be more accepting of Chinese capital and immigration; a discussion needs to be had at the public level between local communities and newly - immigrated Chinese - Canadians as well in order to facilitate the acceptance and integration of new - comers into our diverse Canadian culture.
Christians will also need to manifest loving community and family wholeness, which our broken culture desperately needs in the wake of the sexual revolution.
We joined an abusive, (house / semi-communal) «Bible» church primarily because it seemed to provide what we desperately felt we needed at that time, as a young couple, expecting our first child: Stability, Clarity of belief, «Coolness», Community, and a sense that we were joining something that promised it was going to have a great impact on the culture in the future, and we were thus getting in on the «bottom floor.»
The liberal churches need their own particular language of faith to communicate with the cultured despisers of the modern world, in a manner that lays claim upon the self and the community
We need to aim for God's standard of greatness and success for our communities, our culture, our nation, our world.
However, early in a crisis, children need to be protected, but should remain in their home countries until authorities can confirm the locations of their family members and explore adoption possibilities within their own communities and cultures.
As they have argued, family, citizenship, church, neighborhood, community, schools, and markets need to be drawn closer together in a more integrated whole, in every aspect ranging from the built environment to the cultivation of genuine local cultures arising from the varying circumstances of diverse places.
What my family and I need most is the love and care of a local parish community that is a haven from the ravages of the culture.
If we think we need to accommodate every special interest and every possible belief, then we lose the sense of community we have from the shared culture and without culture, society can not function well together.
Refugees who come to America need practical help, like food, clothing, and transportation, along with assistance in navigating American culture: help with school registration, community orientation, job preparation and English tutoring.
«Schools will be encouraged to reflect their own ethos and values whilst being sensitive to the needs of the community, including the context of belief, faith, religion and culture
We need to live in a way that fosters community and that doesn't destroy other cultures.
They may need to discover and to re-tell a unifying story of the country Of course, this runs against the academic grain, which nurtures what it believes to be a healthy contempt for the nation (let alone its historic spiritual culture) and a self - protecting indifference to the local community In America, where unbalanced individuality and unbalanced diversity seem sacred, the wildness of history is blowing at cyclone force, and the ability to cope with it seems to be a dying art.
Yet not too many of us think that we need to throw our children to popular culture willy - nilly, I can't think of anyone who denies the importance of a stable and loving family for a child, anyone who thinks that by creating a strong community we are abdicating our roles as parents, not at all.
As human beings, we need rituals to mark time and space, to give order and pattern to communal life, and to teach us about our distinctiveness as a family, faith community, or culture.
Seminaries, especially, need to devote much more attention to the task of working out what it means to proclaim the skandalon of the gospel to a generation which has no background knowledge of the gospel, how to create community in a society where the old forms of community have become fragmented and dysfunctional, and how to communicate within a culture where the mass media have devalued genuine communication in the name of communication.
That said, if pentecostals and charismatics like me want the church and the wider community to treat our message seriously, rather than dismiss us as frauds or fools, we need to acknowledge that a culture of embellishment and exaggeration pervades some aspects of «revivalist» ministry.
What makes George Bailey one of the most inspiring, emotionally complex characters in modern popular culture is that he continually chooses the needs of his family and community over his own self - interested ambitions and desires — and suffers immensely and repeatedly for his sacrifices.
A Careful Approach Culture is a difficult term to pin down and OTWTL offers an engaging and thought - provoking attempt to analyse how best the Catholic community can respond to what it frequently calls «modernity», now conceived in post-modernist terms as a society that has both privatised spirituality and championed the «needs» of the individual for such things as freedom, autonomy and self expression.
Community or cooperation need to be seen for what they are, essential to our healthy existence; on the other hand, contrast of cultures and types, which bring freshness and variety, needs also to be seen for what it is, as the way in which human life is delivered from monotonous sameness and dull repetition of pattern.
Which leads to the other piece: we do not live in an intact culture of actual day - to - day community, so you'll need to sit down and learn EC.
A meta - analysis of American interventions with very young fathers points to quality intensive community - based interventions with a good understanding of gender: the staff (who were experienced, empathetic, enthusiastic, and well connected into their communities) partnered with community organisations and used incentives to draw the young men in; they utilized needs assessments and participant feedback; developed one - on - one relationships with their young clients and provided mentoring; offered a comprehensive array of services delivered in engaging and interactive ways which incorporated teaching methods and materials appropriate to young men's culture, sex and age.
In some communities today, there seems to be an anti-breastfeeding culture among young mothers, which we need to challenge and reverse.
They deserve competent professionals, in all fields, who understand the unique developmental needs of very young children, and who interact with families in ways that protect and promote every child's relationships with her caregivers, communities, and cultures.
At GoHealth Urgent Care, we place the needs of our patients first - by providing an effortless patient experience, a welcoming culture of care and seamless integration with market - leading health systems and our communities.
At GoHealth Urgent Care, we place the needs of our patients first — by providing an effortless patient experience, a welcoming culture of care and seamless integration with market - leading health systems and our communities.
«It's disappointing and perplexing that the city budget will increase the NYPD headcount when systemic problems with police accountability and culture that allow New Yorkers to be abused and killed have yet to be fixed - and while major needs in our communities are under - resourced,» she added.
The commissioner also acknowledged the need for a «fundamental shift» in police department culture from «an overarching focus on police activity as measured in the numbers of stops, summonses and arrests to an emphasis on collaborative problem solving with the community
«It's disappointing and perplexing that the city budget will increase the NYPD headcount when systemic problems with police accountability and culture that allow New Yorkers to be abused and killed have yet to be fixed, and while major needs in our communities are under - resourced.»
Proponents say the shift would unite communities with similar interests and needs, including shared language and culture.
One of the biggest challenges confronting coal communities, besides the need to develop new economic opportunities, is overcoming the deeply rooted culture of coal that has defined the lives of residents and full communities for generations.
«Therefore, we feel it is vital to empower every individual in the community to help bring about a safer sporting environment and culture for their young athletes, but also for us to provide them with the tools they need to be able to make that difference.»
Although the commission saw no need to call for a moratorium on synthetic biology, it asked for careful risk monitoring, government oversight, public dialogue, ethics education, and «a continued culture of individual and corporate responsibility and self - regulation by the research community
The PhyloChip enables scientists to quantify how bacterial communities interact and change over time without the need to grow bacterial cultures.
Free Dating America offers an exciting platform for the Asian community throughout the USA to establish options and discover a wide range of dating options relative to the needs of those who seek the company of people with similar backgrounds and cultures.
Internet is a general platform for find singles that brings all types of peoples, community and culture and societies together that need not be emphasized, as it is a well - known fact.
I understand that the culture here needs to be respectfully portrayed — and the verisimilitude of the community feels accurate — but there also needs to be urgency to the action, even if it's merely the urgency of forbidden love.
You need a culture that values every student's strengths and a school community that believes everyone can learn from each other.
However, the short end of it is that for students to truly value feedback, the community of the classroom needs to foster a culture of second chances and revision.
I want people to worry about what exists in the culture of a school or community that may be causing adults and youth to act in these ways, and to consider the needs of young people that aren't being met.
We will consider the effects of race, class, and culture on learning communities and learn effective ways to include all students and meet their learning needs.
Also from Elias, «You Need an Elevator Pitch About School Culture and Climate,» which highlights how your school's leadership team can help the community understand the importance of culture and climate — and imprCulture and Climate,» which highlights how your school's leadership team can help the community understand the importance of culture and climate — and imprculture and climate — and improve it.
Members embrace the intrinsic value and right to exist of the other - than - human and of natural environments, and recognize that the pursuance and advocacy of a planetary ethic of environmental and social justice needs to be grounded in, as well as restorative and celebratory of, local and indigenous communities and cultures.
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