Sentences with phrase «need for pesticides»

Genetically modified food crops have been heralded for their environmental benefits, including the ability to grow more food on less land, and a decreased need for pesticides.
The organic standards include practices that should help reduce, minimize, or eliminate the need for pesticides and other agrochemicals — organic agriculture is a whole approach to ecosystem stewardship, not just the absence of artificial chemicals.
IRRI has been working hard for many years to find smarter and more effective ways to help farmers manage pests and to develop pest - resistant rice varieties to reduce the need for pesticides.
Their natural compounds suppress pests and pathogens on their own eliminating the need for pesticides in most cases.
The local farmers, for example, use polycultural planting methods to raise multiple species in the same fields, a practice that reduces the need for pesticides and encourages soil preservation.
In theory, that should significantly reduce the need for pesticide.
«Microbial communities also play an important role in stabilizing vineyard ecosystems which can reduce the need for pesticides and other resource inputs,» Bowen adds.
«We were very surprised that so many pesticides inhibited ALDH and at quite low concentrations, concentrations that were way below what was needed for the pesticides to do their job,» Bronstein said.
Harnessing these genes to develop crops that are better equipped to resist infection by fungi, bacteria, and other pathogens could reduce the need for pesticides and help ensure more reliable rice harvests around the world.
Meanwhile, vanEngelsdorp is working with breeders to create bees that are resistant to Varroa mites and other bee illnesses, without the need for pesticides.
This hurts the economy because bats» diet of pest insects reduces the damage the insects cause to crops and decreases the need for pesticides.
Long strips of wildflowers can be planted throughout crop fields as a natural deterrent to pests, eliminating the need for pesticides.
Their natural compounds suppress pests and pathogens on their own eliminating the need for pesticides in most cases.
Some gardeners use companion plantings to minimize insect problems and eliminate or reduce the need for pesticides.
This is particularly welcome given that this cuts down on the need for pesticides or the like.
This hurts the economy because bats» diet of pest insects reduces the damage the insects cause to crops and decreases the need for pesticides.
Their natural compounds suppress pests and pathogens on their own eliminating the need for pesticides in most cases.
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